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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • its more like alliances in the americas is a giant venn diagram of sub alliances. its not really a black and white picture on country alliance. there are sub allliances that may only include 4 countries, then a few of those countries may have a seperate alliamce with 6 othera and such.

    for example, most countries in the Americas are defended by monroe doctrine in the case of outside of americas colonization. some of these alliamces are basically conditional alliances fighting a specific cause.

  • hemce, in your case, you trained for a job which is something you do to get money.

    if you want to write an app, go lool up guides or classes on the type of app you want to write. not everyone takes said class because it may be irrelevant to their field of programming.

    the only thing they will typically all share is basic understanding of variables and object oriented programming.

  • the basics of coding is less the language, but more the algorithms and pracices.

    knowing concepts like object oriented programming is language agnostic. how you learn OOP can be done with several languages, usually most commonly with Java or Python, but it fundamentally doesnt matter for the common languages for the most part.

  • this is where branches of coding splitoff, as learning the fundamentals of coding doesn’t stop there, its a field where you have to pick up new skills on the go because not everyone needs it.

    some people never touch apps because they might work backend or engineering, some people might not touh databases because they arent the ones dealing with CSV files. some people never touch web development (because its not engineering in some jurisdictions /s)

    If i have to make a crude comparison, think of it like driving. basic driving knowlege is knowing how to drive a car. Knowing how to drive a car doesnt imply they know how to drive a boat, formula vehicle, big truck, forklift and such, so you need to go into further training for those, but you never should expect someone to cover all usecases.

  • and thats completely bassed on assumptions that they will do it, but with history’s sake, it currently says the opposite, and its kind of haphazard to junp to the extreme end immediately.

    the main differemce is that for consumer use, you not only need the hardware, but the cooperation with all the software developers, many which are international to get performamt hardware.

    Take for example with GPUs and Moore’s Threads. they can develop a gpu, and repurposing it for server use is doable, as you have he company buying it, programing the software to work with the hardware. but the moment you bring a hardware like that to the consumer space, despite its compute performamce, it fails to launch a lot of typical consumer applications and usecases because of two fronts, consumer software is developers around the world, and you need to support their region or have a large enough market using the hardware for them to even remotely consider optimizing for the hardware, and the drivers need to be well done. Both Moore’s Threads and Intel show that its not remotely easy to make consumer level drivers.

  • the topic is on competion with zen 3, so the main market its adressing is the laptop/desktop business. they would have to rewrite an entire OS system in order for it to take off for consumers, consumers only care if all the stuff they need works, includng any industry level stuff. if they are only designing a laptop to do basic shit, there would be zero reason to develop a different cpu when they already have the low power consumption market in the bag. the only reason why you would target zen 3 performance is you plan on supporting industry level applications consumers may use (e.g adobe suite) which of course requires cooperation with any businesses attached to it, and tight integration with the OS.

  • consumer use of desktop use in china is stringent on pc cafe sales. unless huawei has a plan on having a high performance cpu for existing x86-64 applications, cafes arent going to use them. even leased cpu designs like those by Zhaoxin havent penetrated the market. There have already been several attempts but none has exactly hit yet, because they havent really gone the extra mile for consumer performance. its easy for servers because the company buying the chips tailor their software for the chips. for consumers, its extremely impractical for the hardware company rewrite all software for the hardware.

  • its for servers because its not tied down by consumer software.

    Huawei doesnt have a x86-64 license so they wouldnt have access to consumer desktop/laptop software, unless they choose to go arm and design a translation layer, on top of get a major os company onboard to use their design.

    one of the strongest positions apple has is they control the entire vertical stack for their business except the fab, so its easier to tightly integrate hardware design to the consumer programs. huaweis software stack wouldnt hold up in its current state. servers dont care because all of their software is tailored specifically to hardware by said company.

  • economy definately has a major role in it. similar to a lot of western nations, there is a growing number of educated chinese people who have education in a market that isnt hiring enough for the roles that they acquired skills for. the lack of having enough higher paying jobs puts off people from having children, in particular for people who have higher education, as they are more aware of the costs attached to children.

    it all boils down to not enough people on the lower 90% have enough funds to think about having children to support the (unsustainable) social security countries often have.