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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • NATO doesn’t have an answer to the Russian invasion. They know they can’t go in themselves and directly fight Russians, and they know they can’t support Ukraine with billions indefinitely.

    Everyone says that giving up Ukrainian territory is absolutely out of the question, but that’s what has already happened. Crimea hasn’t been Ukrainian territory for 10 years now. International recognition doesn’t count for much when the reality on the ground is that the Russians control the region.

    I genuinely don’t see any outcome where Ukraine gets its territory back.

  • Countries will get fed up of sending aid to Ukraine long before Russia decides to return its annexed territories. We’re already seeing signs of that.

    If NATO isn’t willing to go in and force the Russians out themselves, I fail to see how this war is anything but a net gain for Russia. They will just sit back and let their “new territories” become more and more Russified.

    To me, the aid is just a delaying tactic to allow Ukraine to continue fighting until the west can figure out a way to accept that Ukraine has lost its territories without losing face.

    It’s a shit show, but I don’t share the optimism that a lot of people have for a Ukrainian victory. It’s like a game of chess, and it’s currently Ukraine/NATOs turn, because the Russians are already dug in.