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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • Справедливости ради, из этих слов аналогичны в русском языке слова “свекла” и “кольраби”, другие различаются - видимо, слова заимствовались в основном разными путями. Можно угадать “страйк”, но мы чаще используем слово “забастовка”.

    Да, для меня словенское произношение более разборчиво на слух

    Transcription: Spravedlivosti radi, iz etih slov analogicny v russkom yazike slova “svekla” i “kohlrabi”, drugie razlichayutsya - vidimo, slova zaimstvovalis’ raznymi put’ami. Mozhno ugadat’ “strajk”, no my chash’e ispol’zuem slovo “zabastovka”

    Da, dlya men’a slovenskoe proiznoshenie bolee razborchivo na sluh.

    Translation: To be fair, out of those words the only similar ones in Russian are “beetroot” and “kohlrabi”, the rest differs - were probably loaned from other languages. You can also guess “strike”, but we use “забастовка” more often.

    Yes, to me the Slovenian pronunciation is more clear.

  • Certainly wish there would be more of something in between Charles IV era and XX century, at least among something known and popular.

    I myself am Russian, and know a bit of Interslavic (and learned a bit of basic Czech while there), so hopes are we’d figure communication out without English should we need to :D

    At least I managed it with some Czechs (and also Slovaks) who don’t speak English in Prague. Btw, I don’t know what makes the difference, exactly, but I can better understand Slovaks, even though languages should be nearly identical.

  • I recognize this fact, just as I recognize the US being built on the genocide of native Americans, or China going through genocides to expand westward, or Russia being built on conquering entire damn Siberia (with quite some bloodshed), or, idk, Roman Empire being built on enslaving just about everyone everywhere.

    But those new people are not the ones who did that; Israel is now dominated by people who were just born there, holding no direct relation to the events back then. I have no sorrow for those of them who cry for the continued genocide in Palestine; but we’ve seen many voices from within Israel calling for de-escalation of the conflict, for ceasefire, for peace. And they do not deserve to suffer the same fate as it falls on the shoulders of current Palestinians. Neither do Palestinians, of course.

  • While I support Palestine, I do not think the solution is to violently overthrow Israel and return Palestine to its historical borders.

    In those 75 years, many Israeli people were born on this land, and it really is their home. Palestine returning those lands threatens their safety and rights, especially after all that Israel the state had done to the people of Palestine. It would be foolish to assume Hamas will be civil and respectful to the people of Israel in return.

    Most citizens of Israel have not brought it upon themselves.

    Palestine, though, should retain every bit of its territory before the latest war, and Israel should pay huge reparations to Gaza and open free passage for any goods, services and people to and from Gaza.