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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I think that furry sex stuff can seem very queer in this way. To clarify what I mean, as well as being the Q in LGBTQ+, I’m also invoking queer as in queer theory. For example, prominent queer theorist Eve Sedgwick says that queer can mean “the open mesh of possibilities, gaps…and excesses of meaning when the constituent elements of anyone’s gender, of anyone’s sexuality aren’t made (or can’t be made) to signify monolithically”. Another less verbose definition, from Michael Warner (who I’m not familiar with, pulling these words from Wikipedia): “Queer gets a critical edge by defining itself against the normal rather than the heterosexual.” (Source: Wikipedia article for “Queering”)

    The way that I think of this is that I’m bisexual because I’m attracted to both people of my gender and not of my gender. I’m queer because as a chronic punk, I relish the chance to leverage my bisexuality to challenge societal norms and assumptions — I got a hell of a lot cooler once I pushed myself out of the closet because it was fear around fitting into moulds that was driving a lot of my internalised homophobia. That’s my personal take on the distinction between gay/bi and queer. Personally, I don’t necessarily think one has to be LGBT+ to be queer, but that’s a somewhat contentious opinion.

    This isn’t to say that all furries are queer, though I’m sure some people would argue that. Just that I think I think a lot of furry culture makes more sense if you’re familiar with queer theory and queer culture.

    This is all a long winded way of saying that there’s a sense in which furries are punk as fuck, and coming from someone like me, that’s an indication of respect

  • The way that I make sense of fursonas and fursuits is to just reflect on the various silly things I have done as part of my hobbies. I made a chainmail skirt/dress for a party a while back. It took many many hours and the result is great, but I mostly did it because I like having a project to work on, and the event I was making it for was a great opportunity for people to tell me about how awesome the new thing I made was.

    I’m also friends with a bunch of LARPers (Live Action Roleplaying, for anyone who doesn’t know — like Dungeons and Dragons, but with more hitting people with foam swords in fields). I’m not really into LARP myself, but I’ve been to a few because it’s really cool when you know enough people that you feel a part of a community. A couple of times, I wasn’t even playing, but helping out as crew, which meant putting up tents, ensuring everyone got food, helping put secrets into envelopes. LARP is one of those hobbies which is like, objectively weird (I say this with affection), but having existed in that sphere, the reason why most people do stuff is because they want to make cool shit that other people will appreciate, and they want an excuse to hang out with friends for a weekend in a field or a ballroom.

  • We might have seen the same comment, because a similar sentiment has stuck with me. I’ve found it very useful for self reflection because I am not a furry and I don’t understand furries. My instincts tell me to be weirded out and judgemental of furries because I don’t get it. I then consciously work to override that instinct because it’s silly and it’s actually much easier to not be an asshole about things. I am glad for anyone who has a hobby and a community that brings them joy and fulfillment.

  • I think people like your father make bank because even though new programmers could learn COBOL, that wouldn’t be enough for them to be able to fulfill the same niche your father and other established COBOL programmers occupy; any programming language has a disparity between “the proper way to do things”, and the kind of kludges you see in the field, but few have the kind of baggage that COBOL does, in terms of how long it’s been around and having things built on top of it.

  • This reads like a poem, I unironically love this

    I am the Rust programmer,
    I will rewrite the world in Rust.
    I will rewrite the world in Rust
    because the world is unsafe.
    As I am the Rust programmer
    I will keep writing rust
    until the world is safe.
    After the world is safe,
    I will not rewrite it in Rust.
    Because I am the Rust programmer
    I will retire from programmer in Rust.

    I will come to you when you are sleeping,
    and I will unlock your computer
    using a memory leak.
    If I find javascript on your computer,
    I will delete them.
    Do not try to stop me,
    if you try to stop me
    I will do it anyways.
    I am the Rust programmer,
    if you program in javascript,
    you will scream.

    You will be sleeping
    as I rewrite your computer in Rust.
    You will not notice me
    as I am the Rust programmer,
    I am fast,
    but not too fast for your computer.
    I know your computer
    just as it knows me.
    After I rewrite your computer,
    you will love your computer.
    You will love your computer
    because it is written in Rust,
    I will do the same to all computers because
    I am the Rust programmer.

    I will not stop at your computer,
    I will rewrite the world
    because the world is unsafe.
    Your brain is written in C,
    your memory is unsafe.
    If your brain is written in C,
    you will forget what I just said.
    I will rewrite your brain in Rust,
    you cannot stop me from writing Rust
    as I am the Rust programmer.
    If you try to stop me,
    you will not remember it.
    Because I am the Rust programmer I can
    manually remove your memory,
    you will not remember me.
    After I rewrite you in Rust,
    you will enjoy the world
    with a safe memory,
    you will not forget
    that I am superior,
    I am the Rust programmer.

    I will rewrite the world,
    I will rewrite quantum mechanics
    because it is unsafe.
    I will not tell you all my plans
    before I rewrite you in Rust,
    It is because you are made of bugs
    I do not trust you.
    I am the Rust programmer,
    I will rewrite the world in Rust,
    you will not forget me
    Because I am the Rust programmer.

    (n.b. I’m bad at scansion, forgive any poor line break choices)