Awoo [she/her]


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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Being a child killer among other people that have committed murders but still have some principles is usually not good. Not to mention being like THE child killer in Norway not just any child killer.

    I’m British, THE child killer here would’ve been Myra Hindley, would I have killed her in prison? Yes. Yes I would. I’m pretty sure there’s some fairly rough guys in there that would not take kindly to a person that slaughtered 69 kids one by one by one at a fucking summer camp.

    So many good future socialists died that day. I completely guarantee someone kills the fucker if he is mixed in with everyone.

    Not really sure why you think Norwegians are ontologically predisposed to not want to kill child mass murderers tbh.

  • they both suck, dude.

    Why though? What makes you think that other than “in bad country it is bad” ?

    What actual things do you know about this country that drives you to have such an emotional reaction? Do you have this reaction about any south american countries or african countries? Many of them are capitalist countries that are significantly worse off for their people. Why is your emotional reaction significantly different for this one in particular?

    The answer is propaganda. Your assessment is not a levelheaded on based on any real educated understanding of the data in comparison with other countries. Your assessment is based on feels acquired through the popular beliefs. Guess where those popular beliefs come from? The same place yours have come from, with the same level of understanding that you have. It’s ignorant feels all the way down. Created by the strongest media propaganda machine ever devised in history.

    Is any of this to say that it’s all fucking rosey over there? Fuck no. Most of us are not juche and believe in a mixed market approach like what is being undertaken in Cuba, Vietnam, or China. We mostly have large criticisms of the isolated approach. But does that mean we buy into all the bullshit spread in the west and perpetuate it uncritically? Also no. That’s what you’re seeing here. People countering the utterly ignorant western bullshit liberals spew isn’t an explicit endorsement of the country, but an attempt to get people to calm the fuck down about it and look at it in a more measured way.

  • A failed state that has a starving population

    This is not correct. Food security in the country has drastically improved and continues to improve - FAO data - Unicef data - both support this position.

    By choice.

    No? The reason it’s ostracised is a UN vote that was successfully passed that has never been challenged since because the DPRK is not in or allowed to join the UN, any attempt to would be immediately veto’d by the west. This is called 1718.

    Wild to me how many replies you’re getting that defend North Korea

    You see, this here is a problem. You consider simply stating factually true things that people are generally unaware of to be “defending north korea”. You live in ignorance and seek to maintain that ignorance in other people rather than view the situation in a more balanced and academic way.

  • South Korea is on its FIFTH version of the country because the US continually coups it whenever the existing people aren’t doing exactly what they want. It’s called the Fifth Republic for a fucking reason. It is an occupied vassal state entirely subservient to the USA and has been ever since the US genocided one fifth of the population of Korea (all of Korea). Keep in mind that being on your FIFTH republic is remarkable when the southern dictatorship was only first formed in 1948.

    The US military has also literally run korean children over with tanks, which is very funny given that this is fake propaganda levelled at another enemy of the US, but in the case of america it’s actually fucking true.

  • It’s only hilarious if you’re highly propagandised and have never examined any of the absolutely ridiculous propaganda that has led you to feel the way you do about them such as:

    Using anti aircraft guns for executions (“according to south korean media” lmao)

    They have to push the trains

    They all have to get the same haircut

    Or that they’re aggressive or something? Like what? How many wars has Korea been in since the US killed 1 fifth of its entire population in the biggest post-holocaust genocide the world has ever seen?

    The shit you believe is ridiculous, why do you believe this shit? Why have you never actually said “that sounds fucking stupid”? You don’t examine anything critically at all. You just go with the flow because you’ve seen everyone else be hyper negative about it and never really actually stopped and thought about any of these utterly ridiculous things.

    In the meantime, the US is responsible for starting 205 out of 248 conflicts between ww2 and 2010. And yet the DPRK is supposedly a bad rogue state? You’re out of your mind, you do not apply the same principles to one of these countries vs the other, you are guided by FEELS based on whatever propaganda has successfully taken hold in the population. You aren’t really guided by facts or real accessible information we have via the worldbank data and the UN.

  • Yeah and we don’t consider protests votes to be Nazis. 2/3rd of the current AfD poll numbers are protest votes btw, 47% want the party outlawed (and among the 47% who don’t are plenty saying “they should be dealt with otherwise”), and 10% of people polled to vote for the AfD want the AfD outlawed.

    It doesn’t matter what purpose a protest vote has if it’s advancing nazi agendas and change in society. People don’t need to be nazis to be influenced by nazis.

    Back to Ukraine: Svoboda has exactly one seat. They can’t really be hateful Nazis people don’t like that, and they can’t go undercover as patriots either because being a patriot really isn’t a distinguishing factor while the whole democratic spectrum from left to right is fighting at the front.

    Once again ignoring all the fascists in the major parties just because their party line isn’t “we’re fascists”. It’s like you fucking liberals can’t understand that taking off a nazi uniform doesn’t actually mean you stopped being a nazi.

    From all I know that could be a Golden Dawn guy hating Ukrainians. The plural of anecdote is not data and that’s not even a plural. Generally speaking the idea of Ukraine as a multiethnic, and naturally multiethnic state, is very solidly anchored in Ukraine.

    It’s a war. You’re not getting data until 20 years after its finished. Multiethnic? You are out of your fucking mind. Pogroms and mass exterminations have been common since the start of the war. You’re not an anarchist, you are a nazi and it is blatantly fucking obvious that you’re here playing games and being a silly fuck. It is a considerable waste of time talking to you, eat my ass and kindly follow your leader.

  • It’s the second post on our /all/ page?

    You’ve all got to get used to the way federation works. Because everyone is federated with different instances the /all/ page is different for different instances. This means that when a thread reaches /all/ on a specific instance you will get a lot of their users showing up at the same time. This is true of all the large instances, and pour into our threads all at once when they reach the top of their feeds, but it’s different for every site so you get this outcome where a lot happens all at once.

  • Last magazine landing page on wayback is June 2022, first gambling landing page June 2023. Domain must’ve lapsed somewhere in between, which tracks with National Corps getting out of politics.

    None of this really matters. You’re overly focused on “they stopped”. The fascists haven’t disappeared nor have they stopped promoting their views within society. Moving to different tactics isn’t a win for anyone, it’s like a person playing peekaboo by hiding behind their hands but somehow liberals actually think they’ve disappeared.

    Also as a body politic the Brits are muppets. They fucking had a referendum on introducing proportional representation and voted against it, can you believe that.

    Yes. I was there. The liberals caused it by calling for it immediately after Nick Clegg betrayed their voters on his one and only promise of not fucking over student fees, with students making up the majority of the base. The response to the proportional representation vote was largely coloured by the response to Clegg.

    Egged on by Russian assets when it comes to Brexit I wouldn’t deny it but they’re perfectly capable of being bellends all on their own.

    Nah not really. Libs love this shit but both we marxists and conservative eurosceptics had been promoting euroscepticism for 30+ years. The greatest foreign influence was american capitalists seeking to strip the country, which they’re still doing.

    And, do they? Svoboda, Right Sector, all are deeply unpopular in Ukraine.

    No. Again you are making a mistake. Votes are not popularity. 35% of people here in the UK support socialism (not social democracy, socialism) but that doesn’t translate to a socialist party getting those votes. Not because of a lack of popular but because there is considerable complexity in who gets those votes. If you’re German you know this, you know the voters leaving SPD for AfD aren’t doing so because AfD they agree with all of its politics but because they don’t see any other viable options to use and they want to punish the major parties to send a message.

    Bandera is a complicated topic, and not distinguishing between Bandera the Nazi (collaborator) and antisemite and Bandera the national hero is disingenuous.

    No it’s not. You are literally falling for the fascist propaganda now. This is one of many methods the fascists in ukraine have successfully laundered his image. You should be very concerned that if it is possible for the Ukrainian nationalists to do this with Bandera it is also possible for the German nationalists to do this with Hitler.

    Ukraine also has the lowest rate of antisemitism among eastern European states and a Jew is President, witch actually higher approval ratings than Bandera.

    Again irrelevant. Ukrainian fascism isn’t nazism. Much like Italian fascism was not, nor was Spanish nor Chilean, nor Indian etc etc. Fascism conforms to the national conditions and presents itself differently each time. The use of the word “nazis” here is just to communicate the level of threat really. Their main concern at the current point in time is eliminating the Russian ethnicity alongside the Roma, whose camps they have consistently destroyed and murdered throughout this war. Moving onto other targets like the high proportion of greeks in Donbass would follow, there have been a number of Greeks in donbass who have spoken out about the Ukrainians attacking them, particularly in mariupol they did not like them (you don’t need to watch all of this it’s just the only place I know of for this particular clip from Greek tv I wanted to share, the first 5 mins or so is worth your time though).

    I kind of view Bandera in the same way as Churchill who, by all means, was a monster of a politician. And not in the positive way ask e.g. Bengals. Or take the founding fathers as worshipped by Americans, (nearly? not sure about the details) all of them slave owners in one way or the other yet we don’t commonly call people with a Washington boner advocates of slavery. Stauffenberg was a monarchist yet he’s getting honoured by the Bundeswehr, trying to assassinate Hitler washes over his iffy politics.

    Churchill is a monster who should have been regarded as one, but was not because war. There’s a considerable difference between laundering someone without a reason and this.

    If anything if you want a hero of Ukrainian nationalism then the real hero of Ukrainian nationalism is Lenin who created the country entirely.

    Stauffenberg was a monarchist yet he’s getting honoured by the Bundeswehr, trying to assassinate Hitler washes over his iffy politics.

    You’re being naive again. This is an excuse to honour him, because the people pushing the honouring know what kind of laundering effect it has on the figure and the ideology that figure represents.

    You’re talking to an Anarchist. And recommend Marxist analysis. I think I’ll pass on being educated by a Marxist on, of all things, power.

    I grew up in squats and spent 30 years of my life as an anarchist. We probably don’t differ politically as much as you think. I am an ML because we have a timelimit from the climate crisis that is going to see millions of refugees pour into europe very soon. The destabilisation this will cause will be on the scale of nothing we’ve ever seen before and only ML theory has the track record of revolution needed to save at least a some people in the coming chaos when the opportunities to seize states begin. You saw what just tens of thousands of Syrian refugees did to stability in Europe with your own eyes, in particular you must have seen this in Germany. You should know as well as I do exactly what tens of millions will cause. As an anarchist I could not sit by knowing my ideological toolkit was not equipped to try and deal with the death that is coming, and I could not sit around and think myself a moral person knowing exactly what the future holds yet not doing everything in my power to help people. The correct toolkit for the time limits we have is marxism leninism. Will I go back to the black afterwards? Possibly. I’ll cross that bridge when it comes as we have no idea what things will look like in the aftermath of it all.

    I know full well why you’re an anarchist. But I really do ask you to wrestle with the question of what is equipped to save the most lives in all of this. States suck, we all dislike them, we’re all in the left because we want them abolished, marxists and anarchists both. But lives are what matter here.