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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • The Wix internal chat encouraging creation of propaganda summed it up very well: “show Westernity… unlike the Gazans, we look and live like Europeans or Americans.”

    They are a strong extension of western power in an area that is traditionally not all that friendly, as Joe Biden will tell anyone, “if Israel didn’t exist we would have to make an Israel.”

    The US talks about moral superiority pretty often but has a long history of supporting friendly despots, we hear all about the murderers who took over Cuba and little about the US ally and mass murderer Bautista, or Pinochet, or Saddam Hussein. They would overthrow Jesus Christ and Ghandi if US interests were threatened. As long as they remain friendly to the US they can do just about anything with US carriers to protect them.

  • This is not new, but for the most part it is only professionally dangerous. The west are the good guys, so saying they are doing something not good breaks people’s brains. It is only in hindsight a decade later that they’ll maybe admit something was a mistake or should have been handled differently, more likely they just won’t think about it or even know. That’s how the US can maintain smug moral superiority while supporting Pinochet or Saddam Hussein, or call Hussein’s use of white phosphorus a crime and then deploy it in Fallujah (or Gaza).

    They’ve done it to the extreme in this case. If you are against the actions of the state of Israel you support the deaths of Jews so you’re an antisemite. The Jews who are also against the actions of Israel are self-hating Jews that resemble capos. It’s unfortunate because they are watering down the meaning of that term, and plenty of people lack nuance to see the difference between the state of Israel and Jewish people so it will bolster actual antisemitism. The powerful need an enemy, so that isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you’re them.