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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The borders of the Gaza strip have not changed since the Oslo accord of 1949, all Jewish settlers in that area were forcibly removed by Israel in 2005, and there has been no permanent Israeli presence in that territory since.

    Gaza is not fighting for the west bank, they are not fighting for an invasion of their land by settlers… No Hamas is fighting because they’re being paid to do so by Iran.

    The west bank is a different issue entirely. Israel is absolutely invading there. It just doesn’t have anything to do with Gaza at this point. They aren’t run by the same government.

  • Hamas is the official government and controls the army/militants of Gaza, they intentionally massacred almost a thousand civilians in Israel, and then expect them not to close off the border? It was their fucking choice that the border got slammed shut.

    On top of Israel, Egypt could let as much aid in as they want through the Rafa crossing, but they’re not allowing much through because they agree with Israel on the current policy. This isn’t just Israel being mean.

    There aren’t massive mental gymnastics happening here, this is literally what large world governments are supporting right now. Civilians in these countries are upset at the humanitarian costs, but they simply don’t understand the complexity of the situation.

    Iran could stop smuggling weapons to Hamas and end this whole thing very quickly. That’s the point though, Iran doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians, they’re just using them as a pawn to hurt Israel. Hamas’ leaders don’t even live in Gaza, they’re calling the shots from nearby countries where they’re nice and safe and fed.

  • If the Israelis wanted all Palestinians dead, they will need to dramatically speed up the pace of bombing civilians. Around 55,000 people are born in Gaza every year right now. The reason why 10,000 kids have died in this so far is that about 50% of the civilian population is under 18. Hamas recruits at 16 years of age officially, and sometimes earlier unofficially.

    If Israel loved bombing civilians so much, why did they wait to get attacked before the started dropping so many bombs again?

    You’re delusional if you think this has anything to do with what they “love” doing. Almost a thousand Israeli civilians were massacred, they want to stamp out Hamas in retaliation and they’re not going to let Hamas get away simply because they’re hiding behind human shields.

  • Dropping support for Israel is going to result in is more dead Israeli citizens, because Hamas sure as hell won’t stop attacking Israel just because Israel stops bombing them. Iran would laugh all the way to the bank where they would grab some more money to fund Hamas.

    The government of the Gaza Strip (Hamas) was behind an intentional attack on Civilians that prompted this whole mess.

    The government of Israel is intentionally attacking civilians in retaliation, mostly because those civilians are being used as human shields or are complicit with or supporting Hamas.

    The whole thing is shit, and likely will not be resolved until Iran or the US back down on their support and the other side pushes out whoever lost support.

    Edit: To all you idiots downvoting. Do you think Ukraine should jus give up territory to save civilian lives too? You’re being naive. There’s a reason why the governments of the western nations are still supporting these countries. These situations are a lot more important than you think for the balance of world power.

  • I don’t have a problem with people disrupting traffic to protest, I have a problem with people doing it for a purpose that the government can’t actually achieve, with only a few people, or in places that don’t make sense for the cause.

    If you want to disrupt it over some local (to at least the country) issue, and you have enough popular support to host an actual rally with hundreds or thousands of marchers blocking the road, go right ahead and disrupt traffic. If you’re marching about the environment, rally at a park then march to a government office. If you’re marching about police brutality, go sit down outside a police station.

    Unfortunately, The US government is not the Israeli government. The most they could do is exert pressure on Israel, which to be fair is quite a lot of pressure given it’s the US, but I highly doubt that Israel would stop immediately even if the US asked them to. In this case, from the pictures, they also only had enough people to make a single line across the road. The location isn’t relevant to anything either.