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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Putting all the eggs in the solar basket has risks, too. Like a large volcano eruption that reduces the amount of light that reaches the surface for a few years would be a double whammy, affecting food production as well as electricity production (which we’d need to rely on to try to offset the food losses). If we’re instead facing brownouts or full blackouts, that’s a recipe for a complete loss of stability. I suspect less solar energy reaching the surface would also reduce total wind energy (less localized heating would mean lower pressure differentials, but I could be missing other significant parts of this equation).

    I’d be most comfortable with a nice mix of energy sources combined with mothballing instead of decommissioning some capacity as renewables are able to take over more and more of the day to day energy needs so that we’re prepared to deal with an emergency like that.

    I’d also like to see more food production moved to vertical farms that can be powered by electricity rather than relying entirely on the sun and weather. But I do understand that the scale of food production would make doing that with a significant portion of the food supply very difficult. But with climate change (plus nutrient depletion of the soil), keeping so many eggs in the “just keep farming” basket also doesn’t seem like a great idea.

  • I wonder if people will soon realize that that rage they have for scalpers is just directed at the amateurs and that the upper class is full of people doing pretty much the same thing just in less obvious ways.

    Your employer (if you work for a private for-profit company) pays you x for your labour and then takes the proceeds of the labour and sells it for y where y is (generally) much higher than x. A business is profitable when the sum of all y is higher than the sum of all x.

    If it’s a non-profit, then the difference between y and x must be put back into the business in some way, which could be an investment into an expansion of its scope or it could be a raise for some or all of the workers (payroll is not profit, it’s an expense). And that could mean just the CEO gets a raise, because some of the leeching is via different pay levels for different people that isn’t based on just the difference they are directly making to the income.

    Public services can vary. If the service is profitable, then the profit goes into the budget of the government entity(s) that run it, as determined by legislature. So everyone is acting as the middleman there. If it’s not profitable, then it’s covered by taxes, at cost. There’s still varying salaries but it’s subject to government oversight, so things shouldn’t get as unbalanced as they would in the private sector, at least in theory. Though even in the public sector, there’s this assumption that promotions should come with big raises, regardless of how the workload changes, so you can still have people at the top making orders of magnitude more than people at the bottom.

  • Yeah, I wish C++ had function/scope epilogs and labeled loops/breaks, too. Those are the cases where the “never use goto” rule can be broken to make better code than adding all of the code that would be required to handle it the “right” way (setting up early exit flags and if statements after each level of nested loop to check the flag).

  • That’s the core of neo liberalism. Liberalism has a “my rights end where yours begin” component but neo liberalism drops that and expects the free market to solve such conflicts.

    And by “collective public elements”, I meant public organizations like the postal service, police departments, etc. The government itself is supposed to be one of those. Liberalism is neutral on what is and isn’t collectivized. Neo liberalism likes privatization but appreciates that some functions are better handled by the public, like law enforcement and road maintenance. Libertarianism believes it should all be private.

    In the last comment I said neo liberalism and libertarianism are pretty much the same, but it’s more accurate to say libertarianism is an extreme version of neo liberalism.

  • They might mean neo libs.

    It’s fucking annoying when capitalists keep coming up with capitalist positions and naming them so that they sound like they are something else. Like neo liberalism or libertarianism, which are pretty close to the same thing (all about a deregulated, private, free market), only libertarians like to emphasize how they are ok with sex and drugs.

    Liberals want governments and collective public elements to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals (from other individuals, organizations, and governments).

    Neo liberals want governments and collective public elements to stay out of their affairs and let them manage their own interests.

  • I don’t think they accounted for any of the consequences of filling a tank with water. It’s a really outdated set of rules. Like it doesn’t even have special allowances for civilian casualties when Hamas is suspected of hiding in their clothing, which is clearly anti-Semitic. It doesn’t even say it’s ok to kill some civilians if their side embarrassed you by sinking your flagship when they have no navy.

  • I think part of it is going through all those sorting methods to show quick sort is the best so that a) students who run into new sorts are better equipped to determine it most likely isn’t better than quick sort and b) to show the process used to determine quick sort is better than the rest in case you have some other algorithm options you want to pick the best of.

    And yeah, depending on what you do, some tasks never involve any of that, or when they do, they get offloaded onto a library or something that gives the solution to that step directly.

    But, for example, if you have a collection, the question of array vs linked list vs tree is still relevant, even if you’re just choosing a provided construct that is built on top of one of those. Each has their strengths and weaknesses depending on how the data is added, removed, and accessed.

    And with how slow things are these days despite how much better the hardware is, I think there’s a lot of successful software engineers and programmers who should be using that stuff from school more than they are.

  • Also big O analysis IMO should just be the starting point of maximizing efficiency. Those coefficients that just get dropped can have a huge impact. For example, any algorithm written in JavaScript or visual basic will be of the same order as that same algorithm written in C/C++ or rust, but will likely perform much slower. And the exact manner of implementation could even result in the C version being slower than the VB one.

    And on the other hand, I wouldn’t call a lot of big O analysis very advanced math. You might get a tighter bound with advanced math on some algorithms, but you can get a rough estimate just by multiplying and adding loops together. The harder question would be something like “does this early exit optimization result in an O(x³) algorithm becoming an O(log(x)*x²)?”

  • He’s got a lot of charisma. And his videos frequently give that “people doing something they should have prepared more for but pushing through anyways” entertainment where you can laugh at how they put effort into creating an illusion of professionalism but left enough gaps to make it clear it was just an illusion and he’s in way over his head, but somehow still manages to keep it going.

    It’s a weird spot where I like the guy and want to see him succeed but also don’t think he deserves that success and want to see him fail.

    Though I don’t really spend much time watching hardware enthusiast videos in general, so I probably won’t see either of those unless it goes viral like his last shitshow did.

  • Buddahriffic@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlCertified in AI
    2 months ago

    Yeah, it’s one of those core components that if someone actually lists it, first assumption is that they felt like they needed to pad their resume.

    Though at the same time, it could be an attempt to say, “hey, I don’t know each of the specific languages you’ve listed, but because I know how to use a search engine, I can quickly learn any of them”.

    Like I learned python because I needed it for assignments. It wasn’t a “oh, some classes might use python, I better learn it ahead of time”, it was a “I’ve just been given an assignment that must be written in Python. It’s due in two weeks, so next week I’ll sit down with a tutorial or two to learn the basics, then I’ll just have a couple of reference tabs going while I do the assignment itself”. And I’ve done that at work for both perl and ruby.

    Out of all languages I’ve learned, the only new paradigms were things like objects, functional programming, or RTL programming with verilog. And really only that last one is a significant mindset shift. Objects are just a way to organize data and methods, functional programming is just using a new variable for each assignment, it’s all still running the same machine code on a CPU core. RTL is different because it’s designing circuitry that “runs itself”, but even that is one that I learned during one school term that I could have picked up on my own if pointed in the right direction.

    The real benefits from my schooling and experience are all harder to put on a resume. I know how to learn. I might not know everything you’d like me to know to do this job right now, but I’m confident that I can learn them quickly and competently enough to be useful in this role. I naturally gravitate towards edge cases and rule exceptions, which I find helps mature my experience quicker because debugging is more matching current behavior with a limitation I was already aware of rather than needing to discover that limitation exists. But how do I put that on a resume, especially one that needs to get passed AI filters just looking for the most matches with words from the job posting? Or as a hiring manager, what do I even look for to try to get more of those people than rigid people who happen to have a match with the current skillset I’m looking for? A university level degree is the only thing I can think of so far.

  • The day Browning invented the knife, it changed warfare as we knew it. It didn’t happen right away, military tacticians at the time weren’t very good at evaluating new military technology and thought that no knife could stand up to a calvary charge. But the British liked the idea in the African colonies, where you can do whatever you want and just tell everyone you exclusively used calvary charges to gain your glory. Knives absolutely suppressed uprisings from locals who were too savage and dangerous to realize that British rule was the best for everyone, especially the British who are the only ones who really matter.

    But then an Austrian Duke was assassinated and all that changed. The boys were recruited with promises of glorious calvary charges that would be told of for ages. Instead those calvary charges were cut down with the very knives they were using in Africa. Previously, battles would see mortality rates ranging from 10-50%, but these charges often saw entire regiments wiped out by just one or two men manning knife nests.

    At first, the military leaders thought the solution was even more calvary charges, but eventually they, and most others, realized that knives had changed war itself and it was no longer the glorious field entertainment everyone loved to watch on a warm sunny day and reminisce about over tankards with the King’s court. It had become knife hell.

    War was now spent mostly in kilometers of trenches, each soldier keeping their head low for fear of a knife slashing the moment they popped up for a quick look, until they were ordered to try the next infantry charge (calvary didn’t do very well climbing from trenches, so they kept trying these horseless calvary charges in hopes that things had changed back to the glory days).

    And they had no idea that this was just the beginning. Knives wound continue to be improved, iterated. About twenty years later, the Nazis would show they created a science out of attaching knives to armored vehicles. Even planes, a hopeful sign of future progress, had knives attached to turn them into vicious tools of war. Now it wasn’t even enough to watch all around you for knife attacks, you had to also watch the skies. Boats got them, even submarines that could pop out of the water, stab your ship, then disappear back into the depths before you joined them.

    And though the Germans tried to create wonderwaffen for their war efforts, it was the Americans who took knives to a whole new level. They figured out how to split knives and gain tremendous amounts of energy in the process, enough energy to simultaneously cut everyone in a city to death.

    This made war so unglorious that the main powers decided that maybe it just wasn’t worth it. Of course, the knife manufacturers didn’t like this, so the main powers pivoted to sometimes fighting weaker opponents, and sometimes using weaker players as their pokemon, which they would train, sell weapons to, give aid from their taxpayers so that they could afford the expensive weapons, and tell to attack the pokemon of their main power opponents.

    This went pretty well until some of the pokemon resented being used in that way and then just discarded afterwards with their knife scars. Some of them used planes as knives to cut down some buildings and people thought maybe war is glorious again, but then changed their minds because now a lot of the war knives had cameras and the internet made it known that knives were being used on combatants and civilians alike.

    So anyways, they warred in Afghanistan for 20 years just to be sure and then left, but now Russia and Israel are thinking maybe civilians aren’t so great and they should get knifed and if anyone doesn’t like that, maybe their whole city should get knifed because we could stab the moon or Mars if we really wanted to.

    Maybe someone should try a calvary charge against them. I mean, it’s been a while, maybe things have gone back to the way they were.