• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Yeah, I did some research and it’s really weird. The majority of sites that talk about it are Australian and it’s barely, if at all acknowledged anywhere else in the world. I found some sites that seems legit:








    I think that maybe it wasn’t recognized before due to how rare and weird it is, like ptsd was, but I can’t say for sure if it’s not a scam.

  • What’s really funny is it’s fine when corporation’s fire their whole workforce and get their product made in China but it’s terrible if I buy something from a Chinese company? Ok.

    Don’t try finding logic where there’s non. On one side is the good ol’ propaganda machine working and on the other is corporate greed. What is truly funny is people screaming at china for being one of the biggest polluting countries while literally everything in the world is made there, from the cheapest plastic toy to their latest iPhones and iPads. I often question myself : people can’t be this dumb, right? Then someday someone told me Huawei commited seppuku because they were bared from selling in USA. I explained in vain that USA forced the British company ARM to stop selling it SOCs. That day I knew the answer.

  • I don’t need any convincing really. It’s the usual “they’re getting good at advanced tech, only us should be able to, let’s stiffle their progress”

    The US and its allies claim that because their prices are so low they must be cheating, but there’s little evidence to support this.

    I mean look at what they did to Huawei because it was getting too big.

    retaliatory tariffs are kneecapping the West’s efforts to decarbonize.

    It’s all a smokescreen anyway. Europe sends it un unrecyclable e-waste to Africa, CO2 tax is an unfunny joke, USA doesn’t believe in global warming.

    Eh,It does not matter really. As i said, we’re fucked.