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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • You should actually watch the video. There’s a very large section where he goes over how in 21 or 22 whenever the original theory was proposed and experiments we’re performed with no evidence found. He was originally going to put out a video talking about it but pointing out how unrealistic and unlikely it was. Instead he waited and only put out the recent video because there was some evidence pointing to the fact that there could be a connection. Anton does not tend to be sensationalist. For such subject matter he will usually be very clear when there isn’t a lot of science backing things up. It’s an interesting concept and now there is possible evidence that something could be going on. And that’s what he says.

  • That’s a long list of strawmen. Whataboutism is no defense. And that’s all you got. Whether or not the US jails more people. Doesn’t excuse the brutally and abuses of ML countries and the fascist states they evolve into more often than not. I’m sure you honestly forgot 2 weeks ago. Where the modern Russia you enable and defend. Killed a political prisoner after repeated assassination attempts. Again, this is not a defense of the US. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.

    It’s also quaint that you think a fascist like Putin was somehow benevolently concerned about other fascists. It was a bullshit excuse from the day he made it.

    If you honestly think the USSR were liberators. I suggest you go talk to actual former Soviet block countries who lived under it. And finally got liberated from it. There’s a reason they tore down all those monuments and statues erected by the murderous autocratic politburo.

  • The invasion was never about suppressing fascism. Russia is as bad an actor as the United States has been generally, worse realistically. (Annexing many many countries at gunpoint post world war II. Slaughtering many in gulags for simple dissent. Invading, Afghanistan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. ) Neither one is good. And we should not be justifying either one.

    In this one situation, however. While the United States isn’t strictly the good guy. They are more in the right than Russia is.

  • I disagree. But you aren’t that wrong. We could claw back the theft of capitalism and absolutely provide a comfortable standard of living for almost everyone. But there are absolutely some big road blocks. Energy and food demand in particular. But we are rapidly approaching some significant milestones on those fronts. Cell cultures/lab grown meat, advancements in fusion. But again if we don’t address the problem that is capitalism. Those things will be hamstrung and used to fleece regular people all the more.

  • Under communism, the government takes over the corporations and uses them to it’s own ends.

    No, that is Leninism. Not communism. Those groups called themselves communist, communist party, communist Republic etc. But we’re not communist in any significant sense beyond nominally.

    Replace every time you mention communism with Leninism or ML and I largely agree however. Russia evolved into fascism. China is absolutely state capitalist. North Korea 100% a dictatorial nepo-state. But not because of communism.

  • Plenty are capitalist. True no one will ever achieve the capitalist ideal. Because capitalism amplifies and encourages the worst of human behavior. Without offering any controls for it. Capitalism is absurdist by it’s very nature.

    While it’s true no nation has ever achieved ideological communism either. Thats because it requires post scarcity. Which strictly speaking we don’t have yet. And directly requires us to address the worst of human nature. It simply isn’t currently achievable. But there are plenty of things we could do to move towards it that we aren’t and should be doing. But can’t, in the United States for example. Because wealthy oligarchs and authoritarians have invested heavily in miseducation and propaganda.

  • A president has already gotten away with it. Trying to selectively punish Biden now is actually a bit of hypocrisy. We should have done it in the first place. But we largely got in that position because of people who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Clinton, etc.

    Biden’s moves are optically bad. But make a lot of sense as far as strategy goes. Traditionally. You have a much more powerful position to bargain as an ally than as an enemy. But that does not stop people like yourself from making hyperbolic claims.

    Don’t get me wrong. Eileen, libertarian and communist. I have no real investment in Biden. I’m simply intelligent enough to know that he or Trump are going to win. And that he is by far the better choice. Which you yourself said. You just want to make some example of him despite your own face etc.

  • I was speaking specifically about American history. But if you want to be a jerk. Yes, those things did happen. And that October revolution worked out so well for the USSR. They’ll never have a fascist in charge of them. Oh wait, the USSR fell. They have a fascist in charge of them. Oh well, at least the French revolution was all good and they don’t have a wishy-washy capitalist simp in charge. Shocked Pikachu. Maybe we should check it on that American revo…no. it’s almost like violent revolutions are really only good for a short time cathartic release through murder. And not actual long-term significant change. Don’t get me wrong. Let me know when you all decide to finally go March on zuck or musk and drag them out of their homes. I’m totally there for that. But we need to have a plan afterwards. Because a bloody revolution tends to only beget bloody revolution, it seems.

    And I’m afraid to say that if you think that those groups are in any way significantly right-wing you are the one who’s willfully uninformed here. Authoritarians are not significantly left or right-wing they’ll do whatever it takes to keep their power.

    By the way sweetheart, I’m a communist/socialist libertarian. Not ML. But you tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to make yourself feel better. Talk about peak tanky!

  • The system doesn’t make sense. Everyone knows that. But it’s the system we have. So you either have to engage with the system to change the system. As we have historically done. Or find a way to overthrow the system to replace it with something better. something that has only ever been attempted by racists and in more recent times, twice by Republican fascists. Though not many share their limited idea of better.

    You want better choices? Don’t just vote every 4 years in the general. Vote every year in every primary and general. Don’t just vote. Campaign for someone. Don’t just campaign for someone. Run yourself.

  • 100% and it’s not any sort of achievement. Even. You all are very predictable. So much talk and whining. So a little action and solutions.

    You can’t even hold a debate. You can’t even argue your points. The whole time you’ve been doing but nothing but making strawmen and accusing people of random bullshit just because they disagree with you. Classic ML move. Not all of us can be children well into adulthood. At some point most of us happen to have to grow up. You may be the exception.

    Reality requires compromise. Reality requires strategy. You are not going to get everything you want. Even part of the time. You have to work within the systems that exist to achieve the results you want. And the fucked up situation right now. Is that Biden is the best chance a lot of Palestinians etc have coming from the US. It will be either be him or Trump.

    You at best will either not vote. Or cast your vote for someone who never stood a chance of ever achieving the presidency and doing absolutely zero to help out these poor people being genocided that you pretend to be so concerned about. All so you can make some excuse to yourself about how you are somehow superior to everyone around you. Because that’s all that’s important to you. Virtue signaling and feigning superiority. You can’t even make a hard decision to do the best thing possible to actually help people. Even something so small. It’s beyond you.