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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • when people google that they want immediate relief, not fucking oh go for a walk every day,

    The problem is that there is no immediate relief that isn’t either a) suicide, or b) won’t make things worse in the long run. Even something like ECT doesn’t work instantly; it takes several treatments. Transcranial magnetic stimulation seems promising, but it’s not a frontline treatment. The generic shit is the stuff that actually works in the long run, things like getting therapy, exercising, going outside more, interacting with people in a positive way, and so on. “Self care”–isolating and doing easy, comfortable things–will make things worse in the long run.

  • You see the problem, right? With Israel working to oust Arafat and get extremists like Hamas in power in Gaza? Israel is creating their own monster, and then killing civilians indiscriminately when they fight the monster they’ve created.

    Hamas is absolutely a bad guy here, but Israel’s actions, and their death toll, is far, far worse by an order of magnitude.

  • Reject Hamas and form a peaceful government

    First: they had one. Hamas was funded by Israel in order to siphon votes away from their democratically elected gov’t that was gaining significant international support. (Remember Yassar Arafat, that guy that won a Nobel Peace Prize for trying to negotiate…?) Since Hamas took power, there has not been an election in Gaza. Even if they wanted to, Palestinians don’t have the ability to form a new gov’t. But even if they did, Netanyahu et al. have said that they aren’t going to negotiate, and have rejected *all Palestinian demands.

    They literally have nothing to bargain with. Violence is the only tool that they have left.

    The native tribes were displaced almost 200 years ago so nobody alive actually remembers it,

    That is so very, very not true. Abuse of Native Americans was happening through the 80s (!!!) , and it was only very recently that they were permitted to speak their own languages, preserve their culture, and so on. Don’t you remember the whole pipeline thing that Native Americans were protesting because it took yet more of their land? This shit is happening NOW, and we-like the Israelis–ignore it.

  • I have a hard time condemning Hamas, given that they’ve seen their land stolen for three generations now while the world did nothing, and they’ve seen three generations of Israel indiscriminately killing them. When they protest peacefully, they are ignored. When they riot, they’re murdered. When they try to fight back–and yes, that includes acts of terrorism–they’re bombed indiscriminately.

    What’s the right thing for them to do? How should they act in order to regain the land that was stolen from them by Israelis?

    Is asking for their land, that was taken by violence from their parents and grandparents, to be returned to them unreasonable? And, TBH, people in the US have a hard time addressing this because we did exactly the same things to Native Americans.

  • So, Hamas killed 1500 non-combatants on 6 October, right?

    And Israel has killed about 34,000 people in Gaza so far, at least 15,000 of them children, with a total of over 27,000 non-combatants killed by Israeli forces?

    Someone tell me again who is supposed to be the better side here?

    I dunno man, if someone shot my dad, and said that he was just between them and their target, I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t make me feel warm-and-fuzzy about them shooting my dad.

  • This was a response for Israel bombing a place in Iran

    Kinda worse, actually. Israel bombed an Iranian consulate in Syria. So they bombed Iranian diplomats (and consulates and embassies are, IIRC, legally part of the country that runs them) to kill someone that they said was part of the 7 Oct Hamas assault. That’s a really, really big provocation.

    Keep in mind that, despite everything, the US still has an embassy running in Moscow. So, yeah, bombing a consulate/embassy is a Really Big Fucking Deal.

  • I think that you can make it much, much more difficult to get a wrongful conviction in a case that’s eligible for the death penalty though. I think that, for starters, all interactions with police should require video and audio, so that suspects can’t be coercively questioned for 16 hours without an attorney before signing a “confession”. I think any claimed evidence should have to have standards that were published, peer-reviewed, and repeatable before they could use it. And I think that crimes eligible for an imposed death penalty should have to take place over a period of time, rather than a single event. E.g., a robbery/murder shouldn’t get the death penalty, but (per an earlier comment I made) a serial child rapist should. I would even say that you should be absolutely required to have forensic evidence in order to get a death penalty conviction; I believe that most exonerations were for convictions that relied on witness testimony, official misconduct, and coerced confessions, usually combined with an overworked and ineffective defense attorney.

    I dunno; even the possibility of someone like Ed Kemper ever getting out–like if he ever tells the parole board that he thinks he’s finally safe–is terrifying.

  • Remember that people did escape from Alcatraz. And Devil’s Island, IIRC. Never underestimate the ingenuity of prisoners that really, really don’t want to be prisoners.

    I think that the death penalty should be used in extremely limited cases, cases where there’s not even a shadow of a doubt about guilt, and where the person has committed multiple heinous crimes spanning a period of time (say, >1 year). So a simple mass murderer wouldn’t be eligible, but a serial child rapist would be. You’d also need to have forensic evidence that at a minimum cleared the Daubert standard, and you’d have to exclude forensic evidence that relied on standards that hadn’t been published and peer-reviewed. So DNA and fingerprints would be in, but forensic bite impression analysis would be very definitely out.

    I think the evidentiary bar should be extremely high for death penalty cases. I think that it’s currently mostly applied to people that don’t have enough money to get better legal counsel.

    I would also say that convicted people should be able to request the death penalty rather than life without parole. I can’t speak for anyone else, but if I had the choice between decades in prison, or being summarily executed, I’d take execution.

  • People in maximum security prisons can, and do, escape. Sometimes the commit more violent crimes once they escape. A malicious governor can, in most states, pardon any person they want, and there’s no legal recourse. (In my state, the governor does not have the legal power to pardon a person until they’ve served at least 6 (?) years, and have been recommended by the parole board.)

    On the other hand, people don’t get raised from the dead, no one gets resurrected, and there’s no reincarnation. Dead is dead, and is as safe to society as is possible.

    The death penalty is certainly over-used, and applied in cases where it’s not likely necessary, but I absolutely, 100% believe that people like e.g., Gary Ridgeway should be executed as quickly as is possible.