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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Oh wow. That made me feel disgusted… I mean I’m not sure either of those numbers are accurate and I’m not even sure if it’s because they are lower or larger considering how fucked war is for communication and clear information.

    But just the idea that we can be comparing the 2 makes for (I think) one of the few things to give you the horrors of war into a comprehensible scale since otherwise it’s just numbers.

    We can see what Gaza and the city centers of dozens and dozens of apartments razed to the ground and think of the loss of life in that. And we know the horrors of a long war in Ukraine across towns and those injured being a logistical nightmare for aid even stretched over time.
    Well so here we go, deaths like city being bombed, like a country being invaded, like families suddenly shrinking, like people screaming in pain in hospitals with no supplies.

    It looks like war is coming back. Feel this and harden against it. “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.”

  • Yeah but seriously though and also it’s not that long ago that the land the concert was on was part of Gaza / Palestine. Seriously the compression of the space over the last couple decades has been shocking. It’s like hosting a concert in no man’s land between North and South Korea.

    I get it. It’s cheap farmland now to people that are willing to get killed for cheap land to farm and sell to the cities and someone thought perfect cheap and out of the way to do designer drugs… I hate it. But it doesn’t mean they should have died but it does make what happened stupid and tragic.

  • Yeah let’s not just pretend this is an easy issue. These people can permanently give up their home and and become permanent residents in whatever country they flee to just because Israel would never let them back in.

    And 1million is a lot of people to calm down and care for after their houses were bombed to rubble so the crater marked earth could be turned into a night club for tourists to the worlds largest open museum.

    Egypt isn’t wrong to say this is an impossible choice to make. Especially while no one can punish the bullies. Heck no one can even disagree with the bully anymore. They may be hypocrites but doesn’t mean their isn’t truth in it.