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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The life-expectancy of these countries is irrelavent to skilled immigrants or skilled temporary workers. They won’t be drinking the tap-water or partaking in really ANY of the activities that expose enough of that nation’s poor to risk so as to bring down those averaged numbers.

    Apologies that I did not zoom in enough to ascertain the true meaning of the graph, but still, women live longer than men in El Salvador, and life expectency has increased over the time period covered.

    The gender ratio is close to even, it turns out. So that leaves violent crime and pollution, things abstracted/averaged life-expectancy numbers don’t speak to, and one of which El Salvador has … “addressed”, granted in an incredibly inhumane and distasteful manner.

  • Left side is missing some context, and the whole thing could do with a title. Not every skilled professional is looking to get laid, and plenty of skilled professionals are women or gay men themselves.

    Is there some concern with countries prohibitting travel to El Salvador? or was your statement entirely in regards to gender ratios among Spanish-speaking countries ?

    EDIT: that’s enough upvotes. I merely failed to zoom in far enough, although I still disagree regarding the graph’s applicability to this Post.

  • When the variable name is the description that should be in the comments.

    Idea: Comments that automattically populate the end of any line a given variable is invoked on, including spelling out formulas from that line. ie: float y=mx+b // (cartesian y value)=(slope)(cartesian x value)+(cartisian y-intercept)

    “Duplicated” coments not actually in the file, but specified witt the creation of such variables and spread around by the code editor /IDE.

  • That’s my initial impression as well, but it also seems that they just don’t care, and will refuse to until its made clear to them just what a bad look this is, and nothing short of an accusation of impropriety has done the trick yet.

    I doubt english is their first language, but more importantly, it seems like there’s a culture disconnect versus mainstream western pr bullshit … which actually serves a useful purpose for once, in this instance.

  • The context menu would literally say “Move To”/“Copy To” and open either a further drop-down with potential destinations: … or a pop-over dialogue something like this:

    Originally Windows pointed this feature to users’ Downloads, Pictures, and Documents Folders, but as you can infer from the screenshots, the menu was configurable.

    I do not need and probably wouldn’t impliment this feature in a mobile file manager app, but I would be telling the OP I just don’t want to do it because its my app with my aesthetic/sensibilities in mind, NOT gaslighting/trolling them that its already implimented.

  • I’m sitting here like, in my old age I’ve seen things these script kiddies are apparently unaware exist. They will lie to your face and insist its not lying, so long as they can’t be bothered to learn any differently.

    All these idiots insisted the requested feature is in the app, so I tried it and found … MaterialFiles doesn’t have Move-to/Copy-to. It’s not a feature that even makes all that much sense(if any) for a mobile app, but damn, they should just say that instead of insisting its a feature their app already has.

    I have like eight different file-browsers on my phone, as each has one or more features the others won’t, or can’t impliment. ES File whatever - the only one that can set a file as a ring-tone. X-plore File-Manager - let’s me sort media files based on length, not just age, name or file-size … and also happens to be the only mobile file-browser I’ve seen with the feature requested in the OP.

    For my day-to-day, I use fx File Browser, and I couldn’t even tell you why. I’m of an age where I stick to what I’m used to until I’m forced into an alternative, and even then that one feature usually doesn’t make for a new daily driver. “Dev’s” like are crowding this thread are doing their best to make sure it stays that way. I’m ready to jump ship to a Linux phone because there are fewer (shit)devs writing apps for them.

  • No, they are requesting a drop-down menu option, or menu-bar option(not familiar with this software, but normally such options would go under the Edit menu), one that either opens a further drop-down with likely destinations(a built-in feature in Windows file manager of all places, some twenty years ago) or a whole pop-up dialog. If anything, they could stand to be more specific with their request, as they undoubtedly have a preference.

    Don’t confuse UI requests with underlying functionality and technical capabilities. Tell them their UI request won’t be implimented for whatever(keeping things uncluttered maybe?) reason, but telling them their requested feature already exists is simply untrue, and leads them to believe you don’t understand what they are requesting.

    Based on your replies, they are not wrong, OP either doesn’t understand, is being obtuse, or is just trolling them as OP has nothing better to do. Want to mock people for “wasting your time”? Don’t be the one actively wasting their time AND your own.