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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Ok so when you compare things it doesn’t mean that you think they’re identical, for example if i compare the similarities between the number one with the number two I’m not saying that 1=2; they are both sigle digit integer values and someone can say that without equating them.

    The statement made was that Christian music fans and nazi music fans share a trait, though the trait is expressed differently - that trait being that they are very easy to identify from outward appearances and that it would be hard to know one without knowing about their beliefs. People who listen to Christian music tend to wear crosses and talk about Jesus a lot, Nazis get swastikas tattooed and talk about Hitler.

    That doesn’t mean they’re the same in every regard or morally equivalent, I have a lot of things in common with Hitler and so do you, if someone pointed out the fact we all have respiratory systems that doesn’t mean they think we’re culpable for genocidal war crimes.

  • You literally said they should have no rights, I get that you hadn’t thought about what you were saying but I really think it’s important to think about the implications of things we say.

    I’d link that clip everyone always uses about the law Vs satan but it’s overused, surfice to sau dehumanising humans isn’t a thing good people do - and yes I know it’s popular to at the moment but when I was a kid everyone thought calling things gay as an insult was a great thing and we as a society grew from that so we can grow from this.

  • Ok so the democrats are far right, China is further right and I guess South Korea or somewhere is off the map and out the building.

    I really don’t think just calling everyone we have a disagreement with right wing as if it’s a synonym for evil is an especially useful strategy.

    Because like I know it’s hard to hear but the Scandinavian countries are pretty shitty too in a lot of ways. UK and most the EU is right of the democrats, even Kier (labour leader) is to the right of Biden.

    We’re going to have to say Christiania is centrist at this rate.

  • It’s funny and sad people find it so easy to deny China is good at tech stuff, they’ve been spending huge money on education and tech development for at least thirty years now so it really shouldn’t surprise anyone they have huge numbers of very well educated tech professionals.

    What’s really funny is it’s fine when corporation’s fire their whole workforce and get their product made in China but it’s terrible if I buy something from a Chinese company? Ok.

  • The real thing is the cost, the cost per kWh is falling so going nuke and locking in to a price that’s already above market makes no sense at all.

    The Tories are ideologically opposed to renewables because of some weird culture war thing, plus they hate the idea of locally sustainable communities not being totally under the control of billionaires - people are a lot easier to scare into obedience when you can tell them their power might be shut off. The main reason though is huge projects can only go to huge companies, they don’t want lots of little solar farms they want their oil baron buddies to maintain their monopolies, that’s the only reason we still hear so much about this now allbut obsolete technology.