Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Fyi, be careful about which version of Winnie the Pooh you use. While I doubt the Stephan Slesinger Inc or Disney will come after you for the patch, my understanding is that the “red shirt” Pooh is still under copyright because the red shirt was a later addition (which won’t be public domain until 2028), and the Disney version of Pooh won’t be public domain for a long time since it wasn’t created until the 1960s.

    It’s kinda like how Steamboat Willy’s Mickey design is public domain, but the most iconic version (the one with white gloves, red pants and yellow shoes) is still under copyright. That said, be careful about using Steamboat Willy’s Mickey in branding because Disney still claims trademark on it.

    As an interesting tanget about Mickey, apparently there’s been a fair number of legal arguments that later versions of Mickey are not under copyright because of a couple instances where Disney failed to renew or properly claim copyright ownership during the time when copyright was not automatic and had to be regularly renewed to retain ownership. However, unsurprisingly, the US courts have routinely sided with Disney when challenged.

  • I’ve had a conspiracy theory about Netanyahu and why he’s been pushing into Gaza so hard. He and his party know that what they’re doing is unpalatable for most western liberal and left-wing voters, meaning liberals and left-wing politicians are more likely to be(come) critical and cut off aid to Israel than their right-wing counterparts. Biden, as infuriatingly slow as he is, seems to be gradually becoming less and less supportive of Israel, while iirc Trump (or at least his allies) has talked about going all-in on Gaza.

    If you’re Netanyahu, the idea of your largest ally potentially dropping support and cutting off aid is a scary thing, especially when you’re surrounded by countries that want you dead. Wouldn’t you try to influence the politics of your allies to swing in your favor?

    As such, I have a suspicion that Netanyahu and his party are not only using the genocide to stay in power, but also as a poison pill for western liberal and left-wing politicial allies. The intent being to make liberal allies like Biden unpalatable to their voter base so that there is a decreased liberal voter turnout to tip the scales in favor of politicians like Trump.

    Or more simply, I think it’s possible Netanyahu is using Gaza to stab foreign liberal politicians in the back and skew voter turnout in favor of politicians who are less likely to grow a conscience. I think that’s why it is that every time Biden “draws a line”, Netanyahu puts his toe over it and says, “nyah, nyah, nyahnyah nyah, I’m not liisteeeeniiiiing.” It’s not just to keep himself in power, it’s also a way of influencing his allies’ elections.

  • Sorry, but I don’t listen to pro-AR propaganda.

    The 45~50 round magazine, caseless ammunition and delayed-recoil 3-round burst of the G11 are just objectively better than some piddly M16.

    The magazine for a standard issue M16 can only hold 30 rounds max, and US troops don’t even usually load the full 30 rounds as a result of Vietnam-era superstition. That means the G11 has at least 66% more bullet per magazine than the inferior M16.

    Furthermore, the fact that the G11’s recoil is delayed on 3-round bursts means it has the pinpoint accuracy needed to efficiently dispatch hostile forces with extreme prejudice. Meanwhile, the M16 is gonna recoil for each one of those shots, throwing off your aim and making the burst-fire mode useless. Using a G11? Show those terrorists who’s boss. Using an M16? You might as well get on your knees and suck their dicks.

    Finally, the 4.73x33mm caseless munitions used by the G11 are better in every way. They don’t tumble upon impact with a target, making your kills cleaner and more compliant with internation conventions, resulting in them being more humane than the brutal 5.56x45mm NATO rounds employed by M16s. Additionally, the caseless nature of the rounds makes them more environmentally friendly than traditional munitions as you won’t leave spent brass everywhere when using them. Less trash = more good for the environment. To top things off, while the tendency for the G11’s caseless ammunition to cook-off under heavy usage might seem like a design flaw, it is actually a work of genius engineering as it allows troops to readily turn their rifles into improvised explosives while under heavy fire. This allows them to throw the rifle in the direction of surpressing fire and take advantage of the full 45-50 round magazine without ever leaving defensive cover. I bet your weak-ass M16 can’t do that, can it?

    As you can see, the G11 is highly superior to the standard M16 and should have been fielded. However, Big AR got in the way by reunifying East and West Germany, thereby causing Germany’s political climate to change and the G11 to become unnecessary; while also spreading rumors about how the tendency for the G11’s superior caseless ammo to cook off under heavy use was a design flaw and not, in fact, an obviously intentional design feature.

    Edit: improved some phrasing.

  • I just like any gun that doesn’t look like an AR, AK (with the exception of the SVD and VSS), or other common firearm.

    Imo, space guns and experimental-looking weapons are proven to have superior penetration, lower spread and bullet drop, higher fire rate and magazine capacity, and radically improved durability and repairability over their mentally stunted, dime-a-dozen, snoozefest cousins. Weapons like the H&K G11, FAMAS, FN F2000, and Mateba Model-6 Unica are objectively superior to weapons like the M16, AK-19, and M17/M18. The reason why most modern militaries choose AR or AK platforms for their weapons is a result of successful lobbying by global military contractors. They’re objectively worse than cool-looking guns, but there’s too much money involved and so small companies like H&K can’t compete.

    The XM29 OICW and XM25 should have never been cancelled. Alas, H&K was obviously, once again, out-lobbied by Big AR.

  • Facebook absolutely would sell your info to foreign governments, however I’m not convinced Google would.

    I know Google harvests a shitton of data and uses it for advertising, but that’s ironically why I think they probably wouldn’t actually sell it. Because Google owns a massive advertising company, it’s in their best interests to keep the data they collect so that other companies can’t pop up and use the data themselves.

    Also, if I’m not mistaken, the bill isn’t specifically about tiktok but instead covers the sale of personal data to foreign countries in general. It’s just that it’s worded in a way that tiktok is the obvious target. As such, I’m not sure an American company could sell their customer’s info to China; at least not without laundering it through other companies first.

    However, all of that said, I’m not trying to defend the bill, tiktok, Google or Facebook. I don’t like any of those companies and while I think the concept of the bill is good, it’s very obviously focused on tiktok and, like you and others have pointed out, does nothing about the data collection that American companies do.

  • Dear Germany,

    It’s okay, we don’t really expect anything better from you. We know that your promise to “never forget” was a lie and that you don’t really care. Quite frankly, the rest of the Western world has similar issues, so why bother trying to be better?

    Just let the masses in Palestine die, don’t let it get in the way of your arms sales to Israel or the Israeli lobbyists who almost certainly plague your government. After all, nearly every other Western country does the same, do they not? Hell, the self-appointed “world police” that is the United States can’t tear itself away from AIPAC long enough to acknowledge what has been sitting in front of us, bloodstained and emaciated, for the past several months.

    So it’s okay. Don’t try to be better. We understand that your culture just has a strange lust for genocide which even the shame of the Holocaust couldn’t quell. We understand that Germans are just like that. The Palestinians don’t matter; they’re only human lives. We’ve got 8.1 billion humans on this planet, who cares if a few thousand or even a few million go missing here or there. A statistical error in the face of such numbers.

    Hey, a little bit of genocide might even be good for the human ecosystem. Plus, once Israel is done with Gaza, they might even let NATO do a little nuclear testing on the West Bank, as a treat. Wouldn’t that be nice? First nuclear tests in decades. We gotta keep up with China, India and Russia somehow, right?

    So don’t worry, just give Israel money and arms so they can glass Gaza. The world will surely be better off.


    An American who is very fed up with corrupt politicians allowing Israel to get away with whatever they want; an American who hoped that Germany of all places, would be able to see and denounce the atrocities being committed by Israel.