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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Not trying to push you into doing anything you aren’t comfortable with, but a lot of people could really benefit from having a real source get info on this from. I know it’s not your responsibility to educate us, nor are your opinions necessarily representative of everybody in Palestine, but most people just believe whatever they see on mainstream media. And generally, that means bullshit like fox news way more than Al Jazeera or BBC or NPR or whoever has the least biased news these days.

    If nothing else, please keep educating your friends and anybody else in personal circles. If enough people do that, the info will hopefully trickle out to enough of the rest of us to generate outrage in order to influence real change in terms of support for Palestine. Cheers.

  • Because any country fighting a war on defense against aggressors/invaders knows that the path to winning is to hold strong, wait out the clock, and drain resources from the enemy. Something as essential as that will cause urgency to redirect resources and personnel to replace/repair and then better defend it so that it doesn’t just immediately happen again. This makes defense easier because there’s less of an offense while that’s happening. This also can cause internal loss of support since Russian citizens can see the costs of this going up. They will know people who were sent to die on the front lines. They will see taxes go up and availability of goods go down. Once Russian citizens start to question and criticize the campaign, there could be a snowball effect that ends with Putin and his cronies having to make a choice between stopping the invasion or losing power. I don’t think Putin will ever stop, so the real choice will be desperate attacks (which could include nukes, triggering article 5 and effectively ending Russia) or a coup. Putin has checkmated himself whether he is aware of it yet or not. His best case scenario at this point is dying of natural causes in office and leaving that hard decision to his successor who will probably back down and be a pariah for it, saving Russia in the process.

  • For real. What does this even mean? How does this headline impact our lives in any way? How did they “slam” these strikes and what was the consequence of said “slam”? Was it really just that they had a journalist ask a diplomat of some kind about it and they just said something like “we do not condone strikes on oil refineries because of the rippling global economic impact”? And they didn’t want to have their journalist come back without a story even though there’s no story here?

  • Of course there’s a French phrase for this lol.

    This is definitely the case. When presidents and congresspeople are in their 70s and older, it’s pretty foolish to believe that they’re trying to leave a decent country to their adult grandchildren. Late stage capitalism will find the breaking point for this strategy in the private sector, hopefully before the public sector finds the line where nukes are flying everywhere.

  • Threatening collective punishment to sway political action? That sounds an awful lot like a two-fer. An exquisite entree of genocide paired with a lovely glass of terrorism.

    The America that Americans are taught that America is would’ve bombed the everloving fuck out of Israel right now. I truly cannot understand why the fuck we’re still helping Israel right now. I must be a clueless dumb fuck because I see zero upside and a shitload of blowback for this, and I don’t exactly have an Ivy League J.D.

  • For real. This seems like something that threatens musk and space x more than anybody else. The CIA effectively has unlimited money to replace whatever Russia takes down, but musk needing to pay to replace satellites to maintain starlink will hurt his bottom line. I don’t think tin foil hat wearers would be all that unreasonable to make the assumption that this is a veiled threat to keep musk in line. I frequently hear the argument that “billionaires can’t be bought” but I believe the exact opposite. They care more about money than morals and ethics, and can therefore be coerced by it either through hurting their bottom line or rewarding them with more of it. A dragon’s hoard can never be too big for the dragon to accept more, and nothing hurts the drain more than reducing its hoard.