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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • The donation link is above all of the social media (Facebook, Twitter/X, etc.) ones so the focus seems on bringing in money rather than raising awareness.

    Nations used to have functioning government systems that would fund this stuff - not just in children but in adults too. But right-wing parties seem in control of everything lately, thus such children that provide less tangible benefits to society will get triaged in terms of available funding.

  • Tbf the people living in rural areas - where they are surrounded by e.g. bears - probably really do have a (more) legit need for such weapons as handguns and even rifles (NOT ones that can kill 1000 people while barely needing to be reloaded though).

    But people can’t even talk with one another these days, much less work together for a supposedly common goal to protect the lives of actual children.

    Elsewhere Jon Stewart has a brilliant interview with someone where he barely gets a nod to admit that voters need registration in order to vote, hence registration is not impinging upon that constitutional right.

  • A lot of the more right-wing Republicans are gone now, whereas the ultra-right-wing ones that replaced them… are now also gone, and the new Alt-right ones seem to be paving the way for the next iteration, the Alt-Reich.:-(

    But my point is that while there may have been some people of good conscience before (mind you I could not name any offhand, but theoretically), or at least true believers in their own dogma, nowadays you either bow before the Dump Trump or you get run over.

  • For those of us who read developer code better than PO/PM “english”, indeed code is the documentation, or at least can be. Ofc when the code is thousands of lines long, split between multiple files, interacts with networked resources that you’ve never heard of, sending signals that do who knows what downstream, upstream, sidestream, flipstream, or whatever… yeah documentation can be important too:-). Also when the code is in some other language that you don’t know quite as well.

    By “testing” I should clarify that I did not necessarily mean things like user or unit testing - though that stuff has its place too - but rather even more foundational “verify that your code does what it is supposed to do” kind of testing:-). One could argue that that is just straight-up “writing code”, but then too writing documentation could be folded into that as well, e.g. having things like human-readable variable names, Pre & Post conditionals for functions and the like, so it all gets a bit fuzzy here.

    And if we are being pedantic, a “quick call?” could save a month or year’s worth of time “writing code”, to ensure that you know what needs / desires to be done. Likewise, updating Jira could save someone else SOO much time, or even yourself down the line when you wonder about something that was never mentioned. So I assume that OP was not taking this all that seriously, and just joking about “yeah, meetings are less fun than writing code”, and we all ofc have to pile on with our further opinions about what’s fun:-).

  • The syntax of Perl seems superior to me, though partly b/c I just like the style of semi-colons and braces as in C++, and also so that you can edit it in any text editor you choose, not just those IDEs or ones that will show you the difference between a tab and some spaces.

    But mostly perhaps b/c I have not invested any efforts into actually learning Python the same way that I did Perl - that O’Reily book that explained, from the perspective of the literal creator, why things work in Perl as they do, was a fantastic read!


    Especially when followed up by outright lies in the short description.

    Please do not reward this behavior with a click, as I have already fallen into that trap for you. It is a lie, it is not “French soldiers”, which would have MASSIVE implications for the future of that war and would initiate WWIII, but rather Ukrainian ones released to go home to flight:

    In 2022 France had a number of Ukrainians and Russians in the Foreign Legion. They were allowed to leave the Legion and, in the case of the Ukrainians, return to Ukraine to join Ukrainian forces. It isn’t clear if the Russians returned home.

    While the facts themselves tell quite a nice story, the manner in which this story was told royally pisses me off. I did not need to know that “They have been deployed in support of the Ukrainian 54th Independent Mechanized Brigade in…”, but much more important imho is how “France has sent its first troops officially to Ukraine” is misleading to the point of intentionally being deceptive - it is not “its first troops”, as if more will follow, and as if they were “French troops”, and as if they were “sent… officially to Ukraine” as the short description says, but rather as it says only after you click the bait, that they were “allowed to leave”, and some may even join on the side of Russia, which they did not even bother to find out.

    I can only be baited by such things so many times before I lose my shit and start blocking news altogether. Which ofc has its own downsides. So instead, for now, I will at least call them out for their absolute, deceptive, full-on lying behaviors.