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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • The Kremlin has denied any state involvement.

    Of course they would.

    Putin called Navalny’s demise “sad”

    Children being taken from their families and trafficked to Russia is also sad(and a war crime), and yet Putin does nothing about that. Somehow I don’t think he’s actually all that sad about Navalny.

    said he had been ready to hand the jailed politician over to the West in a prisoner exchange provided Navalny never return to Russia. Navalny’s allies said such talks had been under way.

    It’s an awful coincidence that the moment they decide to start considering releasing him, that he dies, isn’t it? Nevermind the fact that he’d at this point been sentenced to over 20 years in Russian prison and a mere 2 months prior to his death was secretly sent to an arctic circle prison that is essentially a death camp, with none of his team knowing where he was for weeks. No no, forget ALL of those facts and trust Daddy Putin at his word that they were totally going to release him if he hadn’t died when he did.

    What a load of bullshit. At best, they knew Navalny wasn’t doing good and were hoping to release him before he died so they could wipe their hands clean of it. Realistically though, what happened was always the plan.

  • But when was the last time they landed on the Moon?

    1972, which was the last time NASA even bothered attempting to land on the moon at all(well, soft land. They’ve sent up an impactor since then). It’s not like they kept trying and suddenly started failing, they just never planned another landing mission until Artemis 2 and 3.

    Tell me though, what did Apollo 17 have that every moon mission since has not had? Oh yeah, people, and not even for the first time ever, no. That was the 6th time in a roughly 3 year timeframe that NASA put people on the moon. Oh yeah, and on all 6 of those occasions, and even the disastrous Apollo 13, all the astronauts made it home safe.

    So the last time NASA even tried to land on the moon, they 100% successfully did so, while doing something for the 6th time that no other space agency to this day has done before or since.

    Let me know when JAXA puts people on the moon, and then we can talk about them being more capable than NASA.

    NASA tells us they’ll have Artemis ready by, what, next year?

    Yawn, I’m so tired of this argument. Literally all you guys ever say nowadays when trying to denigrate NASA is “You really think Artemis will launch on time? lol”. I’ve been hearing the same low effort argument since well before Artemis 1 launched. How about expounding on it for once and actually explain why you think Artemis will fail, as you clearly think it will? Not be delayed, fail. Everyone paying attention(clearly you weren’t, or you would have already known and not needed to edit your post) knew for over a year prior to the official delay announcement that A2 and A3 would be delayed, that does not mean anything as far as the success of the actual mission goes.

    Sure, congress could slash their budget, as they’re often prone to doing, which could possibly kill the program, but that still says nothing about NASA’s technical capabilities.

  • What a stupid metric to base competency off of. NASA has successfully landed on Mars 6 times in the last 20 years; the most recent of which included a drone, achieving the first ever controlled powered flight on another planet(and it’s still going, over 60+ flights more than the “optimistic” 5 that were planned).

    Landing on Mars is exponentially harder than landing on the Moon, and only NASA and CNSA(China) have fully succeeded at it(The USSR’s Mars 3 only gets partial credit imo), and only NASA has done it more than once(9 times total, to be specific)

  • That response makes literally no fucking sense. What am I, specifically, supposed to do about this? Call Biden up on his private line that I somehow have and be like “Hey bro this is some fucked up shit. Pretty please stop?”?

    I am a private citizen with no money, no political power, no military power, and no real power to influence others. I do what I can, educating myself on these matters and in turn trying to educate those close to me as well. Sorry that I only have the ear of some friends and family and not fucking Congress or the goddamn President, sue me I guess.

    Unlike me, the US government is the most powerful entity on the entire planet in ALL of those regards. It has absolutely no good excuse for continuing to support Israel’s genocide.

  • The US doesn’t need solid roots in the middle east, it is literally an entire ocean away, has the top 4 air forces in world(well, officially Russia is #3, but that probably is no longer the case and definitely won’t be by time the Ukraine invasion ends), the 2nd best/possibly the best Navy in the world, the 2nd largest stockpile of Nukes(and likely the largest stockpile of actually functional ones), not to mention a missile defense system that probably puts even the Iron Dome to shame(after all, the I.D was primarily funded by the US).

    Literally the only physical foreign threat the US needs to truly worry about is small scale terrorist-attack style operations, and all out MAD nuclear war. Literally no foreign country is touching us in a traditional war.

    No, the only reason the US needs solid roots in the middle east is so it can advance it’s imperialist interventionist goals. You’re absolutely right, Israel is the US’s ally. Where you are wrong though is believing we should support them, rather than ending our alliance with them.

    Put it this way: An alliance between two countries is basically like a friendship between two people. If you found out your friend, your best friend even, was a remorseless serial killer, how would you react? Would you rightly dump them as a friend and hope they rot in prison, or would you be like “sure, I realize they killed all those innocent people, but they’re my friend! I HAVE to support them no matter what! Besides, they totally killed some bad people too, so it’s justified.”?