Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

Alt of PugJesus for ensuring Fediverse compatibility and shit

  • 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • The Sacred Band was instrumental, even, in destroying Spartan hegemony, which championed oligarch regimes, and beginning a period of Theban hegemony, which championed democratic regimes.

    This is still one of my favorite historical exchanges of all time:

    The Theban force was heavily outnumbered by the Spartans opposite them. The Sacred Band numbered some 300 hoplites, while the Spartan garrison consisted of two companies (mori), meaning that the Spartan force contained between 1,000 and 1,800 hoplites. Plutarch reports that one Theban soldier, upon seeing the enemy force, said to Pelopidas “We are fallen into our enemies’ hands,” to which Pelopidas replied “And why not they into ours?” Pelopidas then ordered the Theban cavalry to charge while the infantry formed up into an abnormally dense formation. When the two phalanxes came together, the compact Theban formation broke through the Spartan line at the point of contact, then turned to attack the vulnerable flanks of the Spartans to either side. The Spartan force broke and fled, although the Theban pursuit was limited by the proximity of Orchomenus.

  • Explanation: Romans had a neat little trick that was trotted out from time to time where they would form a kind of testudo so their comrades could use the shields as a ramp. It was actually an effective tactic for assaulting low walls and camp ramparts! No need to clamber up while some sod stabs at your grasping fingers, you can hop up and face him like a MAN.

    As you can see in the second picture, using military gear of one’s comrades for a quite literal boost is still a tactic some 2000 years later!

    I hope this is on-topic enough. I enjoy NCD but I’m not always sure where the line is with regards to historical military practice memes vs. modern defense memes and plane-fucking

  • Hey now, I can hear!

    I can also attest that it’s true, it’s just the reverse of the Russian situation. Instead of 20% functional and 80% shit, I lived in the 20% that’s shit instead of the 80% that’s functional. Getting out was priority #1 to me.

    We… probably should do something about it.

    One of the more disturbing incidents of my life was making a delivery with a friend to some private hunting cabin deep in Appalachia, and I mean, we’re already IN Appalachia, so, DEEP. And we drove past, in the deep woods, the most awful, dilapidated shacks and decaying trailers. God, they were fucking piecemeal, and yet, very clearly still lived in. I remember being disturbed as we drove up to the steel and barbed wire fence on the road and getting buzzed in the last mile or so to the cabin, and getting there, and it was just this… villa. Like, you walk in and it’s got a fucking chandelier. It’s not a ‘cabin’ except in the loosest sense. They had private catering, a massive area of woodlands reserved for them, all of that.

    I found the proximity… unnerving. Like a rich man eating caviar next to a starving beggar.