A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


    1. There has always been a non-military solution… Russia can go the fuck home and stop trying to invade other countries.

    2. Putin doesn’t have “volunteers”, he has a pool of what he considers undesirable citizens that he can trick or force into serving his meat grinder. Not to mention a seen in other articles recently he’s now resorting to essentially kidnapping citizens from other countries to fight his war for him. Funny, I would think if he had that many volunteers he wouldn’t have to resort to these tactics.

    I can’t really comment on the rest as I can’t read the article and have no reference on which these claims were made.

  • If Trump gets reelected it’ll be time to start adding riders to all his bills. A new bill to allow discrimination against some group? Fine, add a rider that White people cannot participate. A major tax break for billionaires? Cool, but it can’t apply to white people. A reform to create millions of new jobs? Sure but the positions can only be filled by POC. Stop his bigotry at every turn by simply preventing white people from enjoying the benefits and see how far he gets. Sure these actions will probably be called out as racism, but then you can ask why he is only trying to pass laws that benefit people of a single color.

  • Voters were also far more likely to view Trump … as someone who would “stand up and fight for people like you"

    I’m just astounded by poll results like this. I mean, Trump already had four years and what exactly did he do for you? Oh that’s right, absolutely nothing because he was too busy making changes that benefited his personal businesses or stripping federal regulations for personal rights and things like our national parks. I just don’t understand why these people believe Trump is going to help them now when he only made everything worse in his first term?

  • It’s not impossible, it just requires incentive. I’ve dropped 30 pounds this year by eating better (and much less) despite having a basket full of Hostess products sitting on the shelf and 2 liter bottles of sodas in the fridge. We just need to WANT to stop pigging out at every meal. For me, it was my cholesterol going through the roof of the skyscraper at my check-up this year (I was over 800! I think 150 is supposed to be the highest you go without being in danger) and generally being uncomfortable after every meal. Groceries get a lot cheaper when you’re only eating half as much, and allows me to afford buying better quality foods.