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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • The directors also arrive at the exact wrong advice. You cannot fight International resource extraction by making consumer choices as an individual. To address the problem identified by the film, you have to understand the material basis for why it’s happening and then fight that. And I guarantee it is more powerful than consumer choices.

    In fact, consumer choice recommendations are a preferred PR strategy handed down by companies and governments (the latter is usually an expression of the former) that do this kind of extraction. It is a false catharsis that reassigns blame from the actual culprits and then resolves the blame by having you do something that they can gladly ignore.

    I agree that would be good to see some advocacy for veganism. That has the potential to become a larger social movement even though it is often, incorrectly, framed as just another consumer choice.

  • No my political analysis is more sophisticated than yours based on your previous aided comments.

    I am excited to hearthis sophisticated analysis.

    And yes I said aided because the words you type aren’t your own. Your English grammar isn’t natural and it’s quite awkward, it’s good just not natural. you need more training.

    I’m writing precisely and with many neutral framings so that the people reading have more of an opportunity to process without feeling alienated. You will find this styles like this to be fairly common when among people who often need to disagree with one another about a political topic but wasn’t to keep the group together.

    So if I may provide a “protip” to you and your superiors in Russia or India or where ever you’re operating out of I would highly suggest more classes in natural speech and writing. Right now you look like you copy and paste directly from a chatgpt client. In fact that’s exactly what you’re doing.

    You said you had a more sophisticated analysis and I was hoping to hear it. Now you’re announcing that you believe some nonsense you just made up on the spot. Disappointing.

    in the span of 24 hours you’ve started posting on Lemmy again after a year off. A year ago your comments were different. no where near as elaborate and the grammar was different, also more spelling mistakes from a year ago.

    Yes I’ve decided to try out this approach with this account. So far it’s going about as I expected.

    And then you went back to how you type now. One moment your spelling and grammar are great, the next they’re not, so it’s painfully obvious multiple people are using your account. And it’s not like you change up your habits based on what community you post to, no you change your habits on a whim. you call people bro and you say “y’all” or “yo” one moment and a few hours later you’re back on chatgpt text.

    Ah, so it’s an LLM and multiple people? The plot thickens! The idea that someone writes differently than you is clearly far less likely. It’s a conspiracy!

    and you follow all the same tropes that known foreign trolls are known to do. post in news, world news annnnnd personal finance communities. That’s the tell that all you guys give away, constantly.

    I think you should look up the definition of the word “trope”.

    I do focus on news posts, sure. I’m interested in geopolitical analysis. I didn’t know that this was something that you would find upsetting. Where do you prefer that people post about that content?

    I mean we can debate all you want but I have zero desire to talk to a copy and pasting ruskie bot.

    We haven’t debated at all. You just said something silly, I pointed that out, and now you’re just loudly confusing yourself about something else.

  • Please feel free to take your time in responding because you have clearly taken none to formulate this response. The thought-terminating cliches are you insulting your own intelligence, an excuse to dismiss what I said without needing to actually counter it.

    I feel the need to tell you I’m not as stupid as you’re treating me. I’m sorry it’s not that easy for your rationalizations. Congratulations on knowing some Russians and Ukrainians. I also know Russians and Ukrainians. Though I also understand that they, being other complete and flawed humans, can share their own perspective colored by their own experiences and ideological wanderings. One of the Ukrainians I know is a sexual harasser. Shall I extrapolate this to my geopolitical analysis? This is such an unserious response, full of ego.

    Anyways, please recover the courage of your convictions at your own leisure.

  • Well, yeah, if you’re the sort of person that thinks bucha was not that big of a deal because there’s people living there now

    It means that life is viable there. And, in actuality, there is clean water and electricity. This is not afforded to targets of US Empire. They get worse. And this is tacitly accepted, and likely with your country’s support, even while stories are told about Bucha.

    then you also believe that the us decides what happens in ukraine and it’s why those people are fighting.

    I honestly don’t know what this means. Who are “those people”? I can’t respond to this. I don’t blame you, communication is a two way street, but I don’t know what you mean.

    They’re us slaves dying for western imperialism. Ofc if we were arguing that, yeah I’d want the us to let the ukranians surrender and allow russia to regroup so they can find another reason a few years later to come back as they’ve been doing for the past 30 years.

    Ukrainians are entire people like any other. They are not simply slaves, though many are conscripted against their will. They are provided minimal training and sent to the front lines. There are men kidnapped and forced into conscription while their families and partners wail. Maybe this is what you are referring to?

    Anyways, you are describing Russia as an inevitable revanchist. This discredits the history of Ukraine, of the regional battle that resulted in Euromaidan and the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty, why Crimea was annexed, etc. This is a simplistic view of geopolitics that does not account for external dynamics, namely relentless Western pressure, the violation of Minsk agreements, of policies that would be described as ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide if the designated enemy were doing it, right on Russia’s border against ethnic Russians by fascist Banderites. And with the coinciding threat to join NATO, it is absurd to entertain the pretense that this is just some Russia revanchist compulsion. It requires a deliberate ignorance of history.

    I’m not sure why you chose 30 years, though. That coincides with the dismantling of the USSR, where Ukraine was sold off for parts and turned into the poorest country in Europe by Western capitalist powers. I’d think that runs contrary to your point.

  • I repeat literally assessments of Russians, and claims of Putin himself. Domination of the black sea surely means evacuation of remains of Crimean fleet to Novorossisk, and almost complete absence of russian military in the black and Azov sea - confirmed by satellite imagery. Russia tried to turn hunger into weapon trying to block ships passing to Ukrainian ports, and failed - their unilateral withdrawal from the Istanbul agreement

    Russians are people like anyone else. You, of course, can therefore find them saying just about anything. There is little overlap between what you have said and what Putin had said though I don’t know why I should care about that.

    I think you may be falling victim to propaganda when it comes to the Black Sea. Ukraine has nothing there. Nada. Zilch. The stories that are accurate describe the targeting and destruction of Russian vessels. Logically from what I just said, these are true. But Russia maintains its dominant presence, particurly in the Azov Sea.

    I am interested, or maybe anticipating entertainment, by your idea that satellite imagery confirms your claim. My experience with such ideas is with teenagers pretending to know how to analyze raster imagery and lying through their teeth about it because it suits the needs of propaganda. This is what often gets filtered into the press. Please show me your Black Sea dataset with no Russian vessels, I would love to see it. I can even analyze it for the presence of vessels if you give me the data. Preferably, tiled GeoTIFF. I suspect, realistically, that you have third-hand information from propagandists, and can give me no such information. I anticipate disappointment.

    I agree that russia braced their economics very well and handled the sanctioned better than most anticipated. However, the pressure mounts and the government is forced to raise taxes - surely not a sign of a blooming economy.

    That is no such thing. Under a forced national industrial investment regime, a capitalist government raising taxes should be expected. There is a Russian neoliberal faction that threatens to throw a wrench into things but they have been forced into less stupid positions by circumstance.

    Recent Ukrainian targeted hits at major refineries, turning Russia to import fuels - this is important both in military and economical contexts.

    Important, yes. But why think it is good for Ukraine? More pressure on Russia only increases the likelihood that they adopt a typical sociopathic Western war strategy of complete destruction civilian life. That is something that has not actually happened. It’s something I was wrong about in 2022. I did not think that Russia, a regional capitalist power, would use such restrained tactics. I had to rethink my understanding of Western psychology and militarism, as it is actually qualitatively different (and morw horrible) than every other instance. I had, falsely, projected cold Western logic onto others.

    What I say is Russia is worse than it was at the beginning, despite territorial gains.

    All economic indicators disagree, particularly when it comes to industrial capacity.

  • This is how I know you’re a troll:

    A troll is someone that uses bad faith to get a reaction.

    Unfortunately, I am actually pretty honest and don’t do such things. At most, I am dismissive towards people who do a lot of invention to justify having bad opinions. I am not thinking of you when I refer to bad opinions or invention. I think you are simply mistaken. You have adopted patterns of thought that have led you astray, they are not good heuristics for discovering accurate conclusions. I don’t blame you for this. It happens to me, too.

    The Russians have been conducting absolutely horrifying crimes against humanity since the start of the war and, in fact, at least since World War 2.

    War is full of horror. I suppose I would call all of it crimes against humanity, though that does not actually have a shared definition. The act of declaring war, of being an explicit aggressor, is to enjoin those horrors, to accept them as a consequence. I’m not in the business of forgiving that except in some few circumstances, circumstances that do not apply to Russia in 2022. Though it doesn’t really matter what I forgive, in the grander scheme, I hope it conveys an accurate sentiment that dissuades you from false assumptions about my position.

    I’m not sure what you mean I referencing World War 2. The USSR has been on the better side of matters, on average, including WW2 and beyond.

    There is so much rape and torture embedded in the way that the Russian military operates that killing civilians, which is unconscionable and horrifying, is the least of their crimes.

    Ukraine is notable in its indiscriminate use of mutilation and torture, in fact. They are the party known for the excision of penises of prisoners of war early on, to much fanfare from the fascist sympathizers among them. While there are, of course, unforgivable horrors committed by Russian troops and Ukrainian, the normalization of cruelty towards Russians, that it is out of hand, is notable.

    With that said, these are violences visited on soldiers. What I am referring to is the cold, systematic destruction of civilian infrastructure. The transformayof civilian life into desperate subsistence and egress and death of elders and children. This is the norm for Western military action and its absence in the Russian aggression is obvious. Gold help Ukrainians if the West’s sociopathic maximum pressure campaign leads to the adoption of this strategy.

    The Russians could leave Ukraine today and the war would be over. Full stop. There is no justification for anything else.

    This is entirely valid reasoning if one takes a myopic view that begins in 2022 and relies on what seems fair rather than what reflects the geopolitical realities of what gas happened between Ukraine and Russia for the past two decades. I know this comes across as dismissive. It I think that is the root cause of your incorrect perspective. It’s not your fault for having this perspective. We are all creatures of the information we consume and the narratives spun by the powers that be.

    If you would like to engender more accurate ideas, I encourage you to begin earlier than 2022 in your historical review and to take a media critical approach to your reading.

  • In your first paragraph, you repeat an assessment handed down to Western propaganda. Were it true, it would be very surprising to find the reality that Russia dominates the Black Sea and Ukraine and NATO (we’ll ignore Turkey, who doesn’t really care lol) has no presence there. It would also be surprising to discover that the overall Russian economy is better than pre-war and that they are having no manpower issues, and are, in fact, now advancing on Ukrainian positions.

    This is understandable, as the false prospect of a Ukrainian win is important for the propaganda apparatus that actually cares far more about hurting Russia than securing a future for Ukrainians.

    But all of this is somewhat moot because it bears little relation to the point I made. Or maybe I am missing something? Please be explicit.