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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • None of the things you mentioned were in my description. You made that up completely. I talked about meetings, no scheduling information.

    She’s not entitled to asking multiple times day if you’re done yet.

    Did I even imply that? No. You made that up.

    I work above senior, have done management and tech lead.

    Hearing only what you want, not what the other person said makes you almost perfect management material.

    Seriously, look at my comments and your replies. You answered to a completely different reality.

  • Nah, I think you’re mixing things up here.

    “Toxic” is just a label you’re putting on everything you don’t like and you’re also putting a ton of implications behind it.

    If Stacy wants a feature, and she’s the official representative, I need to clarify what that feature means. A manager can’t shield me from having to research the technical implications, that’s my job.

    Also, you can ignore calls all you want, if there is a genuine need to communicate, you need to have that call at some point. That’s actually your first point in the list above.

    I think you never worked in a role above code grunt. As a senior developer, my job is to do all what I described above. I need to do all the technical legwork a manager can’t. I need to write everything down. I need to get feedback from stakeholders. That’s nothing a manager can do and that’s nothing a junior can do.

    I code something like half an hour a day.

  • I feel like these memes of hating everything other than lone coding is because you keep working for toxic companies.

    No, it’s because we are working with humans and their deeply flawed organizations. As much as people hate corporations and love startups, both are always a mess. Every organization I’ve seen from the inside is barely functioning. Cruft, interpersonal conflicts, incompetence, or simply very bad market situations.

    Software engineering kind of has to get involved with almost all of that. If you need to get approval from department A and Stacy just keeps changing what she wants, you’ll have to carry that chaos into the development and it will usually percolate through half the engineering department, because hardly any interface is actually a stable attack surface. That means meetings, calls, meetings, reviews, meetings, and fucking Stephen again wants to pitch this weird framework he’s so in love with, meetings, budget calls, because there’s no way, simply changing the field length can take that much work, meetings, …

  • Compared to Java, it makes me write the same data structures three or four times.

    Just an example: if I want to be able to insert a struct via Diesel, I need to write the actual entity, an entity without the id for inserts and maybe some other structures for queries. Also, I need to write a schema file defining the DB plus an SQL statement for actually creating the needed tables.

    Another example: explorative testing. Sometimes you need to disable chunks of code for testing purposes. Maybe that long running computation or a DB query, etc. Rust often forces you to write a bunch of “corrections” to make the code seem correct again.

    I get that this is useful, but for my line of work, it’s just a pain in the ass.

  • No, I was actually in a class specifically for gifted children.

    However, this was over 20 years ago and back then, this was a relatively new concept in my region. That meant the class had to be padded with “regulars” and the special treatment we got, was rather limited. Looking back, it seemed like they dropped the idea almost completely after 9th grade or so.

    And even today I’m pretty sure there’s no comprehensive testing going on. So a ton of smart children get labelled as having ADHD or just as delinquents if they’re from a “bad” background.

    Funny thing is, Germany actually did have a three tiered school system for decades, where after elementary the children were separated by “performance”, but since this country is laughably bad at creating equal opportunities, this de facto became a class filter. Parents are academics? Off to the Gymnasium with you! Parents are poor/migrants? Well, Hauptschule will have to do. Good luck at being underemployed for life.

  • I’d say the real world doesn’t reward being actually gifted.

    School rewards obedience and memorization. If you’re aggressively mediocre, but sufficiently agreeable and willing/able to memorize a bunch of bullshit, chances are, you’ll get pretty good grades. I know several people with very good grades who are simply not very intelligent.

    Universities also reward memorization. If you’re good at learning facts and writing bullshit like the prof wants to read it, chances are, you’ll get good grades in at least some areas (business, psychology , medicine, and as a CS graduate, even CS to a frighteningly high degree).

    If you’re gifted (like I’m actually certified to be, whatever that means), you’re often bored at school, you won’t learn because you don’t really need to, and you don’t really want to play ball with all the bullshit. You can see through it, and especially for teenagers, that’s extremely frustrating.

    In the “real world” being gifted isn’t really a huge benefit either. I’m good at what I’m doing and what’s the result? I’m now de facto managing other people at doing what I’m good at. I can’t complain, cushy job, very good pay. But a literal monkey could do 70% of my tasks. I’m inside a corporate cage, that I realistically can’t escape from.

    And I think that’s where many of the “gifted, but neither genius nor psychopath” people are at. Overqualified for what they’re doing, but caught in a system where they can’t really excel in the ways they could.