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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • Old enough to remember there were lots opposing it as well. Just.like the current Gaza war.

    Except none of them meaningfully oppose the gaza war. The closest thing to criticism you’ll hear from a mainstream source is how Netanyahu personally isn’t carrying out the war out humanely enough. Note that this is not actually opposition to the war, since it just calls for a return to the state of slow ethnic cleansing that spawned the war. They oppose the way and rate the settler colonialist ethnostate carries out ethnic cleansing, not the settler colonialist ethnostate whose national project requires ethnic cleansing.

    Just as in the Iraq war, nobody was saying “This is bad, and we should leave now, there’s a million people protesting it outside” until like 2006, when the plans to leave were already drawn up (a schedule Obama maintained).

    There was a million “The war is good, but it’s being done poorly” and later on “The war is bad, but we’re here and have to carry it out more competently”, but the idea of not pursuing the war was so toxic, republicans would accuse democrats of wanting to “cut and run” (in the same way they accuse democrats of being insufficiently supportive of Israel, despite literally going around congress to keep the weapons flowing).

  • A 2 state solution was never realistic. Throwing out unworkable peace solutions or quibbling over details instead of outright saying they’re not ready for peace so that they can continue violence is a US (and israeli) tactic you’ll see over and over.

    The US and Israel both knew Palestine was never gonna give up its best land to hostile invaders, as the borders would make their economy entirely dependent on Israel, and Israel media made it very clear that such a state would only be temporary.

  • Nukes in Poland would be very bad to apocalyptic in the event of a war, but also it’s just passively dangerous; between 1950 and 1980, the US military reported 32 accidents involving nuclear bombs, including 8 whose cores were not recovered. After which they stopped reporting them. The USSR/Russia’s record is not significantly better.

    That count does not include logistics mishaps, such as in 2007 when 6 nuclear bombs were mistakenly flown across the country and left attached to an unattended aircraft for 36 hours, at which point somebody asked why they had nuclear bombs just hanging off that plane without any guards or anything. No, this was not discovered because someone noticed their nukes were missing for a day and a half, this was discovered when someone stumbled across them.

  • Of course there was no actual aid making it to the people.

    American foreign aid’s purpose is to ensure the loyalty of the leadership, and subsidize American industry and prevent the receiving country’s industry from competing (it must be spent on American goods. Only Israel has an exception to this).

    Most of it is military aid, which enables those leaders to put down the people in the event they rise up after their leaders pass policies that benefit America at their expense.