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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • That’s 100% true. That’s why I’d like the help from experts to help me avoid being scammed, help me avoid drinking and eating poisoned food, or having to breath unhealthy air.

    I don’t always know the full repercussions from the decisions I make so I really appreciate having some expert help. This is especially true of decisions shitty people try to coerce me into making when I’m desperate or emotionally vulnerable.

  • I’m sure your little club is just big enough to get Donald Trump elected, that’s how margins work.

    Unfortunately for you there a magnitudes more voters that would be alienated by your fringe politics, so most elected officials aren’t going to give your ideas priority. To think otherwise is the attitude of a petulant child that wants a happy meal when the rest of the family wants to go to sushi.

    Despite all that I think you’ve convinced me. The best way to stop the genocide in Gaza now, in March of 2024, is to make sure that the Zionist, single state solution, ban on Palestinian immigration candidate gets elected to be our president in from 2025 through 2029. That will definitely teach those damn establishment Democrats to listen to us, and will 100% improve the lives of the people in Gaza and the west bank. I’m sure that Trump is just joking about immigrants tainting the blood of America. He’s surely not serious about project 2025, or enacting a nation wide abortion ban after 6 weeks. We have to get this guy elected in November to stop the genocide today.

  • Lol I love this take.

    Normal people:

    Donald Trump getting elected will be bad for labor rights, abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, among a ton of other freedoms. I should do the simple thing and vote for Joe Biden even though I disagree with some of his policies and he hasn’t taken a strong enough stance on others that I support. I understand he has to compromise and can’t tailor his policies exactly to my niche beliefs. Even if I don’t vote, Biden or Trump will be president; I should vote for the one that will at least do some of the things I support.

    The brave freedom fighters on Lemmy with a spine:

    Joe Biden isn’t catering to me and my friends, I’m not voting for that capitalist neo liberal pig Joe Biden. Surely the Democrats will call me next time they nominate a candidate, after all we should be catered too even though we’re an extremely small community.