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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Exactly, people don’t seem to understand that our intelligence/problem solving ability is based on two major factors.

    1. Our evolutionary lineage, pattern recognition and instinct, etc.

    2. Our nurtured upbringing which creates the “training data” we need to accomplish specific tasks. Even if that upbringing isn’t holistic it would still require a significant amount of training to do anything programming-wise that the “three minutes and a coffee” side of the panel is completely ignoring.

    Without these a human is useless, we have training data as well, it’s just organic and learned over a lifetime in addition to the billions of years of life evolving on this planet.

  • The fuck it is, if 8 years is enough for the president it’s enough for Congress, Senators, and the SC Justices.

    If we can pass down the office of president every 8 years there’s no reason we can’t do the same elsewhere, does it take a decade to learn how to vote or something? Are we lacking in judges?

    There are other levels of office, there isn’t going to be a shortage of experience just because we require term limits. Even if there was I’d prefer an inexperienced person than someone who sits on their hands all day and just votes according to their oligarchical masters whims.

  • That’s because Hamas are animals. They’re radical fundamentalist Muslims that want everyone thats not willing to convert to their religion dead. They specifically want all Jews dead regardless. It’s not conjecture, it’s their mission statement.

    If you don’t believe me, just go over there and tell them You’re LGBTQ and identify as female, you’ll see how animalistic they truly are.

    I lived under Sharia law for almost two years and saw the dangers of letting religion rule your law/culture. The Israelis and their surrounding Arab neighbors are going to keep killing each other until the heat death of the universe.