It’s a great photo. Fucking terrifying to think that there could have been a 300kt boom at the end of each of those pretty lines
Sarcastic bitch with a wine problem
It’s a great photo. Fucking terrifying to think that there could have been a 300kt boom at the end of each of those pretty lines
Why are drill sergeants so angry anyhow?
That’s one of the most American things I have heard in a while
Can a bitch have some context, please
I’m somewhat partial to Mirv
Edit: they grow up so fast
Well, at least the “hard radiation” part: Louis Slotin, one of the victims of the demon core, reported a sour taste when the screwdriver he was using to hold the halves of the core apart slipped and they slammed together and went supercritical.
Yeah, but tentacles can’t see. They’re firing blind based on instructions only.
Since when did spray and pray stop being a valid tactic?!
Well, at least I tried.
Blackadder is one series that I keep meaning to watch, it seems hilarious. Not sure it was ever broadcast in Finland way back when, but now we have torrentscompletely legal ways to acquire media off the internet
In more ways than just poison too! I think there’s still limitations on how many mushrooms you’re supposed to consume in some areas, because some of the fallout from the Chornobyl disaster is still present in them.
Ah, good 'ol Four Pests campaign. Only killed like 20 – 30 million people
Aww this dude got banned from his instance? His completely incomprehensible magic geometry stuff was sort of entertaining, although I’m preeeetty sure he’s crazy as a shithouse rat
Have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?
Popemobile II: Revenge of the Pope
lol that one Twitter comment in the article:
“Hey boss, sorry but I can’t come to work today”
“How so?”
“A U-Boat parked me in”
Wait, wtf, is this an AI clip?! Can’t tell if it looks a bit uncanny or if it’s just the fact that I’m very, very stoned
This movie seems horrible. I have to see it.
Truly a master strategist