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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • The majority of American elections are winner-takes-all, first-past-the-post races decided with plurality voting. Among other things, this means that if you are voting for someone outside of the realm of the statistical possibility for victory, you are simply throwing your vote away. That is the way the system works today, whether we like it or not, and wasting my vote by writing in Bugs Bunny or whatever isn’t actually a reasonable, productive, grown-up, or intelligent thing to do–especially not in the face of impending autocratic fascism.

    In other words, the winner of the 2024 Presidential Election will either be Joe Biden (D) or Donald Trump ®. Of those two, I can easily pick Joe Biden as the person I would like to see running the country, controlling the US nuclear arsenal, and watching over the western world. Again, it’s an easy choice for me. As someone who does probably too much research and overthinking into voting, I’ve never had an easier choice.

    But hey, if you’re like me and you don’t like the current American two-party political system, then I encourage you to vote for democratic reforms like Ranked Choice Voting, STAR voting, approval voting, etc. Multiple states have implemented better, more democratic voting systems, and more will hopefully continue to in future years, because unsurprisingly they are almost all better and more democratic than plurality voting.

  • I understand what you mean, and people should get a chance to vote in the primaries for the person who they think is best, but Biden is the incumbent, and he’s out there winning primaries with like >85% of the vote. Hell, he even won the write-in campaign in Iowa. ( That’s to say nothing of him winning against more than a dozen other, younger candidates in 2020. ) Marianne Williamson is the only other candidate to regularly crack 1%, and she’s not exactly “president material” if you ask me.

    It’s going to Biden vs Trump. Two old ass white dudes who aren’t exactly sharp (though Trump is most certainly dumber, weirder and not to mention a fucking criminal fascist). For me, that makes it the easiest choice of my year.

  • For example?

    I’ll always be on the side of the innocent. Innocent Palestinians who are caught up in a war between Netenyahu’s IDF and Hamas terrorists. Innocent Israelis who have been murdered, kidnapped and taken hostage by Hamas terrorists who were propped up for decades by far-right Israeli politicians.

    You have nothing. No response but made-up straw-man accusations. You would be embarrassed if you weren’t completely incapable of shame and logic.

  • It’s only hard to believe victims when you don’t want to believe them.

    We saw people captured and murdered by Hamas terrorists with out very eyes. They were taken into Gaza, which very soon became a war zone. They, as in the victims themselves, have provided first hand accounts of trauma, physical abuse, sexual assault, torture, and many of them are still being treated in hospitals for that trauma.

    So what exactly are you contesting here? Are you trying to say that innocent people weren’t and aren’t kidnapped and being held by Hamas terrorists? Or maybe you’re trying to say that they were treated like kings over the last months since October 7th…?

  • “Safe space”, huh? You argue like Ron Desantis.

    Next thing you’ll be calling me “woke” because you clearly don’t have a leg to stand on or a brain to think with.

    Of the 14 hostages treated by Eitan’s team, nine are under 18 and two are under 10. Most need long-term treatment for trauma.

    Go ahead and explain to us how 9 teens and 2 children are guilty of oppressing anyone.
    Or maybe you hear “jew” in your head and can’t help but create some kind of twisted mental image?

    Either way, I’ll wait for your top mind to come up with an answer, because I just love a good laugh.

  • What the fuck are you even talking about? Seriously, did you even take 3 minutes to read the article?

    These people, who were (and still are) being taken captive by Hamas, are not “the oppressors” by any stretch.

    They are innocent people (in this case women and children) who were taken captive by terrorists and murderers, brought into a terrifying war zone, physically and sexually abused, drugged without consent, kept in 1x1.5 animal cages, kept in pitch black darkness, deprived of food, water, medication, and never knowing whether they or their families are going to die.

    You shouldn’t have to choose between sympathy to the innocent people of Gaza who are suffering in this war, and the innocent people of Israel who are also suffering. The fact that you even feel the need to “choose a side” or complain about media bias here is a stain on your soul and you should be fucking ashamed of that.

    Happy New Year, bitch.

  • You probably shouldn’t have…

    Among the 14 freed hostages treated at her centre, she said, were child hostages who had been drugged by their captors – including with ketamine – and were suffering from withdrawal, those who had subjected to or witnessed sexual abuse, a woman who had been kept in a tiny [1 x 1.5m, with another woman] cage, and another who had a breakdown after being kept in complete darkness for days.

    Rather than picking a side between the IDF and Hamas, be on the side of the innocent people on both sides of this war who are victims of unspeakable atrocities. It’s not hard for me. It shouldn’t be hard for you. And if it is, that speaks to the darkness of bias and hatred within you.

  • What a joke. If Russia could have successfully invaded Ukraine, they would have done it by now.

    The fact is that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has already catastrophically failed and now Russia is caught deep in a quagmire of death and failure that will set the Russian society and economy back by decades more than it already was. I have no doubt that Russian autocrats and oligarchs will spend the foreseeable future diverting, deflecting, distracting and generally looking for every pathetic way they can to blame the United States for the situation that they find themselves in, but objective truth will always remain: Russia mistakenly invaded a country that they believed that they could take over using a combination of hard and soft power and now they are only beginning to pay the price.

    Giving guns to our allies fighting for their freedom in Ukraine and watching the Russians throw their own people into a meat grinder for no reason other than for Putin to save face is some of the best military money that the US has ever spent. Dramatically worse even than the Americans wars in Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan, Putin is bleeding Russia dry of lives, money, equipment, brains and talent and so far they have absolutely nothing to show for it.

  • You are falling for atrocity propaganda

    And on what authority can you say what did or did not happen? Were you there?

    I have zero credibility to say what actually happened, and neither do you.

    But you are now asking people to disbelieve their own eyes and ears, because it’s 2023 and (un)fortunately many of these atrocities have been caught on camera. Most of it’s on tape my man.

    Palestinian freedom fighters

    Nobody was fighting for Palestinian freedom in this weekend’s terrorist attack. You don’t win your freedom by indiscriminately massacring innocent civilians. Anybody with more than two neurons can see that Palestine is worse off today than it was a week ago thanks to the actions of Hamas terrorists.