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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Yeah fair I am sure there is almost as much sketchy shit in Chinese electric cars as American ones, I just can’t find the fucks to care compared to the threat of ecological and agricultural collapse from climate change.

    Like seriously I know it’s more satisfying and intriguing to talk security, technology, software and geopolitics but really who gives a fuck. Literally none of this even remotely matters next to the existential emergency that is climate change.

    So sure, cheap Chinese electric cars lets go who cares honestly, we don’t have the damn time to focus on making this into a Cold War Tom Clancy novel before we run out of shit like clean water to drink.

  • Yes, but you know the cruelest thing isn’t the bullets, the bombs or the artillery. It is setting up a population of over a million purposefully in an impossible situation with nowhere to go, no access to hospitals (because you specifically destroyed them one by one), and no access to electricity, clean water or food.

    Imagine having a fish tank full of cool little fish and just deciding you didn’t want it anymore so you unplugged the lights and oxygenator and stuck the aquarium outside your window in the cold. Then you pulled up a comfy chair next to the window and just sat and watched as the fish slowly starved, suffocated and froze to death. This is what Israel is doing to Gaza, except Gaza is full of human beings not fish.

    Actually maybe I am being unfair, in this metaphor the IDF would probably put a post it note on the fish tank that said “EVACUATE AREA” which if you think about it really gives the fish the choice to stay or leave.

  • Definitely moving into an era where armor is near useless if your enemy has effective antitank weapons and there isn’t extremely tight integration between unmanned surveillance vehicles and your armor. I suppose someone could have shot the UAV down here, but if the IFV doesn’t let the pressure up you can’t exactly sit there and gaze around in the sky looking for a tiny little robot while a 25mm autocannon on treads hunts you.

    Not trying to extrapolate too much here, the tank was by itself and likely had a panicked, poorly trained crew but still just imagining the commander in the bradley being able to watch where the tank turret is pointed in real-time and peak only when it wasn’t looking the right direction definitely seems like an utterly decisive advantage (if they were able to do this), especially in an environment that isn’t a full scale battle with so much chaos that the UAV would be destroyed or the information useless. Heck in this situation if the tank started to raise its turret to hit the drone with its coaxial, and the drone is in close contact with the Bradley than that is just a perfect opportunity for the Bradley to attack right?

    I know people say the death of the main battle tank is greatly exaggerated but I think the role of the tank will vastly shift towards emphasizing integration with UAVs like this over most other factors. I know missiles aren’t the same thing as cannons but I don’t understand why an APC with a complement of javelin type missiles couldn’t just sit behind cover and annihilate direct fire armor vehicles with a suite of drones providing targeting. It wouldn’t work at great ranges but for a situation like this a cannon kind of seems a pretty inefficient weapon.