• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • the dangerous Trump argument is absolutely not one to be downplayed

    Which is why it’s so bad Biden insists on staying in the race.

    If he thought beating trump was the most important thing, he’d have announced years ago that he wouldn’t run again.

    But he’ll never stand down. Because he wants a second term more than stopping trump from having a second.

    And people realizing Biden is risking that for his own ego, makes him even less likely to stop trump.

    Historically “vote for me or else” doesn’t work well

    We know what works to motivate Dem voters: young, charismatic, and progressive sounding candidates.

    We can’t get that to stop trump, because 82 year old Biden won’t retire.

  • The worst part is trump has been exactly the same the last three elections.

    His bullshit is normalized to most voters.

    Biden wasn’t great in 2020, but he’s a hell of a lot worse now. Which is why we never see him compared to other presidents when they were in office.

    So for Republicans last night went fucking perfectly. And for Dems, it went about as bad as it could have.

    There’s just no reason to run a candidate voters don’t like or agree with just because the other candidate is so much worse. Even if we stop the worst, we still don’t get what we want.

    None of it makes logical sense, which is probably why Biden’s few supporters only want to talk about how dangerous trump is. It’s really really hard to come up with a reason Biden should be the candidate. Even being an incumbent doesn’t matter when you have terrible approval ratings, those make incumbency a hindrance not an advantage

  • In his first presidential primary in 1988, Biden was the front runner despite his youth because he was wildly regarded as one of the best public speakers in the country and he was (at the time) charismatic.

    Then he started yelling at reporters about how high his IQ was after they found out he plagiarized speeches plagiarized work in law school, and lied about his grades and class standing.

    Because he got over his childhood stutter. In childhood.

    What’s happening now isn’t a stutter. It’s 100% normal for an 82 year old.

    That doesn’t mean an 82 year old is fit to be president, just that Biden acts how an 82 year old is expected to act. Because he’s 82 years old.

  • 18-29 year olds had record breaking turnout in 2020, and Biden literally wouldn’t have won without them. They’re what carried those razor thin 5 states.

    Over 44 and trump is dominant.

    40% of voters are Gen Z or Millenials this election.

    The future of the party is the youth, but so is the present.

    The DNC needs to stop telling them to shut up and vote for who we tell them, and start “compromising” with them and get more change faster than the moderates want.

    Bill and Obama both knew the value of going after the youth vote. They were also two of the youngest US Presidents in history.

    Candidates in the Dem party like Hillary and Biden are the exception, and they’re just not popular with voters…

  • We’ve known for years that Netanyahu allowed suitcases full of money across the border into Gaza that could only be going to Hamas.

    But him going out and soliciting funding for Hamas…

    That’s a whole nother thing. I know Netanyhu was already likely on the way out before, but I can’t see how the Israelis let him stay in control after this.

    He’s literally the reason all this is happening because the only way his group maintains power is if voters are scared. So he created a reason for them to be scared.

  • Not sure what you’re thinking of but this is the start of the article I guess…

    Palestinian civil defence crews have uncovered a mass grave inside the Nasser Medical Complex in Gaza’s Khan Younis, with 180 bodies recovered so far, Al Jazeera has learned, as Israel has continued bombardment of the devastated coastal enclave for more than six months.

    The discovery on Saturday, and continuing into Sunday, comes after the Israeli military withdrew its troops from the southern city on April 7. Much of the Khan Younis is now in ruins after months of relentless Israeli bombardment and heavy fighting.

    “In the hospital courtyard, civil defence members and paramedics have retrieved 180 bodies buried in this mass grave by the Israeli military. The bodies include elderly women, children and young men,” Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud reporting from Khan Younis said on Sunday.

    It would have been about 35 minutes faster to click the link tho

  • insanely dystopian

    In a way…

    But compare that to countries where no one can hold you accountable for being an asshole. You end up with people trying to out asshole each other, in my state it’s not abnormal to hear about road rage leading to shootings in traffic.

    But when you look back at the vast majority of human history, this was the type of shit most enforced:

    Don’t be a lying asshole and get the whole tribe worked up because you wanted attention.

    Now, if this happened because she said a government official was an asshole, or that society could be better…

    That would be insanely dystopian

  • So the only option is the one that doesn’t work?

    And this is America, thanks to the electoral college, most of our votes don’t really matter

    Biden isn’t winning my state even if I vote super hard for him. Voting for him accomplishes nothing for me or even Biden. But, if I don’t vote for him (and still vote down ballot). There’s a chance the DNC recognizes they need good candidates.

    I’m not saying it will work, I’m saying there’s a chance

    And before you say “vote in the primary in 2028!”. My state hasn’t even held the 2024 primary yet…

    So how can I communicate to the DNC?

    I tried to take a survey from the DSCC the other day, turned out to be a fake survey that just pressured me to do ate money.

    The DNC literally doesn’t care about what voters want, they dont even want people saying it out loud because it hurts their chosen pick

    How is that democracy to you?

    It’s better than republicans, but still not good enough. And it’ll never change if we keep blindly voting D no matter what.

    Unless you have a better plan