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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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[Song: Civil War]

  • 71 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • New of BRICS and going away from petrodollar, it will be in the history books, if allowed.

    Interesting news keeps coming out.

    India has been ramping up purchases of both coking and thermal coal from Russia since Moscow redirected exports from EU countries and offered substantial discounts to Asian buyers. Despite its efforts to expand renewable energy projects, India continues to rely heavily on coal as its primary source of power generation. Huge increase in Russian coal exports to India

    Consulting firm Yakov and Partners (formerly McKinsey Russia) has projected that India will surpass China as the top buyer of Russian coal within the next decade.

    Moscow is seeking to both ensure interconnectivity throughout the INSTC and launch regular freight shipping lines, President Vladimir Putin has said. The volume of goods shipped via the INSTC is expected to almost triple over the next seven years. The Russian leader has suggested establishing a logistics hub for the corridor on the African coast.

  • Glenn Greenwald breaks down the recent Reuters report that revealed how the Pentagon launched a disinformation campaign to discredit the Chinese Sinovac inoculation.

    About Glenn Greenwald:

    Glenn Greenwald is a journalist, constitutional lawyer, and author of four New York Times best-selling books on politics and law. He broke the Snowden leaks in 2013. Greenwald currently hosts a political commentary show for Rumble called “System Update.”

    About SheerPost:

    Born four years ago in the disarray of the pandemic, ScheerPost has matured into an award-winning highly credible top news source on the most important issues of our time at a moment when the once vaunted model of responsible journalism is overwhelmingly the play thing of self-serving billionaires and their corporate scribes. Alternatives of integrity are desperately needed, and we are one of them, proof being that with decidedly limited resources, we have attracted readers from around the world who have viewed our content more than 13 million times. We are honored to have your support to continue doing this work.

  • Well, there is a reason the populist and many of us have lost trust on media, the distrust keeps increasing instead of decreasing as time goes on and legacy media keeps doing what they do best.

    It would be awesome if you could make some time to watch this debate, increasing the speed or reading transcipts is an option as well or download and listen to go the go (I use an apk(app) that lets me do that for free), I prefer seeing the facial cues and emotion heard when people talk/debate/discuss:

    Munk Debate - Mainstream Media ft. Douglas Murray, Matt Taibbi, Malcolm Gladwell, Michelle Goldberg [01:40:24 | Dec 08 22 | Truthspeak]

    On the PRO side of the debate were Douglas Murray (The Spectator) and Matt Taibbi (TK News on Substack). On the CON side of the debate were Malcolm ‘Malc’ Gladwell (The New Yorker, Revisionist History) and Michelle Goldberg (The New York Times).

    At the beginning of the debate, 48% voted in favour of the resolution, while 52% voted against the resolution.

    I thought it was a great debate, but they should have found better people for the CON side; to me, it is an endeavour that will result in failure, but compelling points can still be made, so as to make us question and critic our way of thinking and the way we view the world.

    I am not the biggest fan of Douglas Murray, but he debated well with his points.

    I now plan to make some time to rewatch it again, hahaha

    Thank you for engaging in a discussion with me!

    I am stubborn and hard heading on topics that interest me a lot, and I know I may hold the wrong views, but I know as time passes I may keep learning and talking with people so as to realign my views on certain topics!

    Have an awesome day and wish you the best!

  • Edit: improved wording, a bit

    But Jan 6 was a violent insurrection into what is the most important day in our electoral process: the day when the peaceful transfer of power is meant to occur and anyone trying to draw parallels between that and BLM rioters is actively engaged in subverting our democracy. You can whine about media obfuscation all day long, but we all saw the video footage and we all knew what day of the year it was.

    Yes, I also saw what legacy media release and what other independent media release.

    Similar to all protests, the people breaking the law are to be punished and all that, but do not forget that they are usually really small percentage of these people that are violent, when comparing a few violent people to the full size of the protest.

    Yeah, the anti-establishment schtick is getting old. Glenn is part of the fraternity of ultimate skeptics -when it’s convenient, of course. And frankly, the theatrics are getting old.

    Not sure what you mean by this… it may just be our political bubbles that make it difficult to understand each other at a quick matter and just with a few replies and comments.

    I do not support or am a part of the duopoly, so that will also differ a lot on how we view gov’t and the people that control our politicians, the owner class.

    I am more of a revolutionary than a reformist, so that is a major difference we have.

    In a simple to understand and basic outline, I see Jan. 06 event, IMO, as an unorganized riot similar to when a certain sports team losses and they go ham at what is near by, only a few are extremly violent while letting out frustration.

    Few or little of the protestors were openly showing their 2A given rights, compared to how the Black Panther Parties would be in the presence of police and and other gov’t dogs that do their bidding.

    The Black Panther Party is a greater group I would align with than the unorganized Jan. 06 riots that were gov’t backlash.

    Sadly, the Black Panthers and many great activists that fight against the status quo are killed or under great surveillance by our fascist government and police state.

  • This guy defended the Jan 6 riots on extremely flimsy ground (his thesis falls in line with the rest of conservatives: that it was a peaceful demonstration that got out of hand).

    Seems that is what the status quo and legacy media was saying about other protests going on in the past and currently, just take a look at Black Lives Matter and Anti-Genocide protests.

    Major difference is that social media has had a great impact against what the propaganda machine tries to push, but do not forget, these are also being censored by gov’t and the owner class to a certain degree.

    Not only that, but he goes to bat for Trump pretty often, of all people.

    He is going after specifics not only just because he is Trump… I would take another look at what he was explaining when talking about Trump.

    Many of his points will be push back at the general propaganda and smears our politicians and legacy media is enforcing on us so as to try to sway the working class toward the status quo.

    That is why there is an increase of people that do not believe anything that politicians or legacy media spews to the working class.

    It’s par the course for the rest of the anti-establishment enlightened centrists (see Pin Tool and the likes). Not impressed.

    Not too sure what you mean by this or the people you meantioned?

    Enlighten centrists, not sure how he would fit that label…

    Here are some videos about Glenn, seems to still be keeping his morals till this day as well.

    Glenn Greenwald: Media “tragically vindicated” Trump by overhyping Russiagate [03:47 | Mar 25 19 | Democracy Now!]

    Glenn Greenwald on Trump-Russia Probe: Be Skeptical of Spy Agencies with History of Lying & Deceit [11:11 | JHan 02 18 | Democracy Now!]

  • That is another major problem we should take to account when talking with people.

    What is “truth” when we know legacy media is just a stooge of the owner class… we must continue to question and be critical of those with power/influence and esp. those in gov’t.

    Just looking at opensecrets we can see who is being being legally bried.

    Bribery is an effort to buy power, while lobbying is just an effort to influence it; but admittedly, the distinction between the two can be opaque.

    which has already put him on the wrong side of history on a number of issues.

    I disagree with this, and I would go farther that he has shown great moral principles over his many decades of journalism.

  • Informative comment:


    The German word for “national” is definitely not spelled with the letter Z , it’s spelled the same as in English, the reason it’s called Nazi party is because in Germany socialists ( Sozialisten) are commonly referred to as “Sozis”, so the combination is “Nationalist” and “Sozi” or “Sozialist”= Nazi.

    And Adolf Hitler didn’t propose that name anyway, The party was initially called German Worker’s Party ( DAP =deutsche Arbeiterparty) and the executive committee , following Rudolf Jung’s recommendation, changed the name to NSDAP, adding the words National and Socialist , both over Hitler’s objections. Hitler wanted the name to be “Social Revolutionary Party”. However, RudolfJung, having written a book on “National Socialism” a book he hoped was going to be as important to Nazi ideology as “Das Kapital” was to Marxism/ Socialism, was able to convince Hitler to go along with the new party name. The word “Socialism” was indeed added to attract left-wing workers, but it was, of course a 'bait’n’switch" since Nazis were definitely anti socialist, ant-communist and anti-marxist.

  • Chinese President Xi Jinping is on his first trip to Europe in five years, which is likely to be dominated by Russia’s war in Ukraine as well as economic strains between Beijing and Brussels.

    The first stop will be France, with Xi due to hold talks in Paris on May 6 with French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, before travelling south to the Pyrenees.

    After that, he will travel to Serbia and Hungary, two countries that have maintained close ties with Russia despite its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

    But the trip also comes amid a deteriorating global security climate, with the war in Ukraine now into its third year and at least 34,683 Palestinians killed in Israel’s ongoing bombardment of Gaza.