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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • Not the other commenter BUT, It took the right wing 7 decades to drag the country as far right as they have. We’re here now and I suspect the left won’t be able to drag it back in any less honestly.

    The other commenter already answered your question. There needs to be a generational shift in the party. The way that happens is by running strong, local candidates that can take control of the conversation and push their ideas, that’s how you win in a democracy. The other option is to coup.

    Look at what the right has done over decades, they’ve seized control of local and state legislatures across the country. They ran candidates in places that were easy to win and in seats nobody wanted. There are conspiracy theorists on school boards deciding what can be taught, it’s wild.

    My plan is simple and I repeat it as often as I can, especially to trans and BIPOC friends. Voting is the absolute minimum you can do to participate. Network with like-minded people around you. The police will not protect our communities. Get a gun or two (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you just need to be able to stabilize someone.

  • I voted for him to stop fascism

    Has he done that?

    Do you think you’re blameless? That it’s not your fault?

    Relatively? Yeah.

    We chose this! It’s our fault that a genocide is happening. We voted for this. Our tax money is blowing up children as we speak.

    Melodramatic much? Unfortunately the world doesn’t revolve around you or I and we can really only impact the things and people around us. It’s important to recognize the things we can effect and acknowledge that our impact on the greater world may be minimal at times but not to be discouraged.

    Do you feel no guilt? No shame? No responsibility?

    Relatively? No.

    I acknowledge I’m extremely lucky to be born in the “first world” and be fortunate enough to be able to shelter myself and feed myself (for now at least). I actively try to help when I can; that means volunteering, donating (time/money), working a weekend every month or so in your community to try to make it better.

    We chose this. We’re cosigners on this genocide. We voted for this.

    I didn’t vote for this in the primaries or the general, I didn’t work the phone banks or canvas for it so I’m not sure who “we” is.

    It makes me want to fucking kill myself.

    Yeah obviously you’re depressed as fuck, I get it. Don’t do that though, it won’t solve anything and will actually make the world a worse place. I’m actually in therapy working on some things myself, you can PM if you ever want to talk about anything.