Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • I don’t mean to be a dickhead, but a 90 minute video with no context or description is a lot to ask people to click on blindly, so here’s a summary:

    Here is a summary of the video Privacy and the fight to protect it by Naomi Brockwell, a YouTuber who makes videos about privacy:

    The video is about privacy and the fight to protect it.

    The speaker, Naomi Brockwell, says there is a giant war going on right now against people’s right to live their own lives without interference. She believes privacy is important because without it we cannot have a free society.

    Naomi says there are two camps on privacy: people who are aware of the issue and people who are not. Her goal is to reach those who are not aware and to educate them about how to protect their privacy.

    She says one of the biggest challenges to privacy is that AI is constantly being developed and it is difficult to discern what is real and what is not.

    Another challenge is that some companies are creating locked in ecosystems where it is difficult to get real information.

    Naomi believes the way to fight for privacy is to be vocal about it. She encourages people to call their representatives and to leave messages if they cannot get a hold of them. She also says it is important to be supportive of creators who are making educational content about privacy.

  • I think you’re trying to build him up to be something that he’s not. What he does in his videos is take ideas that he thinks are stupid and makes fun of them. That’s it.

    I’ve watched every Adam Something video over a couple years and occasionally he’ll mention something and I’ll be inspired to look into it further, but for the most part, he just tells you why he thinks something is shit. Especially Elon Musk projects and my favourite being Dubai.

    That said, if you have any channels you could recommend that deliver their message in short, witty videos, please share as I’d be grateful to subscribe.