Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • Correct, JSON can handle any precision, because it’s just dumped as a string anyway, just not enclosed in the "". However, as you mentioned, as soon as it comes through the parser it’ll put it into an underlying float value. In C# I create a save high precision attribute that will take the value and put it directly into a decimal. In JS I’m sure there’s some way to do that, but that parser is way less extensible compared to C#. However, this also all assumes you know the client will parse it correctly, overriding the default behavior. Safest is to just send it as a string, and then create your parsers to automatically send to and from strings

  • The fun differences between the perfect world of theoretical and the realistic. Everyone thinks of computers as perfect - but it’s not until you’re asked to solve “How do you store decimals using only 0s and 1s?” does it start to click. Not as easy. It’s why I’m hesitant to hire bootcampers into my roles. Bootcamps are great, and they get more people coding, but you don’t learn that theory behind the scenes - you don’t really know what the computer and operating systems are doing. For 90% of the time it doesn’t matter, it’s abstracted away - but that last 10% man, that can really fuck up an entire system.

  • Learning about Gerrymandering was one of the first times I noticed cracks in our democracy.

    I grew up in the Midwest, and I truly thought America had done it. We solved corruption and bad governments, why wouldn’t the rest of the world want to know how to do it right?

    Gerrymandering proves the absolute worst of our system. Corrupted officials carving the worst possible areas to make sure the person they want to get elected is elected - and the only time we get to change them is once a decade - when the same committee decides again.

  • I mean, I completely understand them. You just build the products. Running and building them doesn’t bring in money - that costs money! You know what brings in money? Sales. That’s why they deserve such huge amounts of money, because they’re bringing in money!

    /s if that isn’t horribly obvious. They never seem to connect that without a product there’s nothing to sell, do they?

  • That was it. This started because there was a slide deck that showed this huge project that I’ve spent the last year on. This was 100% a software project. On the slide deck saying thanks, all of engineering got a single bullet point, while marketing and sales got oh, the other 90% of the slide. You know, just that pesky task of building the damn thing, that’s just over here, in the corner, it’s everyone else who really did the work.

    All for people getting credit where credit is due, but man did that feel like a slap in the face to me. Sad thing is it happens all the time, this is nothing new, just a regular day of the week

  • Dude I don’t even know with you. Yeah, some startups start and want to get bought out, not all of them do. Again I’ve worked at a lot, probably 8-10 now. I’ve seen some startups be bought out and others who wanted to do their own thing. Stop generalizing everything, there is nuance in the world, grey, stop seeing everything black and white.

    What do you want me to do? Lie about the companies I’ve literally worked for just to agree with you? No, I won’t lie just so you’re binary thoughts about the world feel justified.