I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from @skulblaka@startrek.website after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Major Mindbleach made local headlines today as he drove a Santa Claus-esque sleigh attached to an AARGM directly over the heads of local combatants. Spectators say that instead of dropping gifts like his holiday counterpart, Mindbleach was dropping dook as he shit his pants repeatedly moving at speeds of Mach 2+ attached to a ballistic missile. The final status of Mindbleach is unknown. More information as the story develops.

  • Depends how you define “the war”. If Russia just gave up and went home today then most likely, immediate hostilities would cease. But it would do nothing to prevent them from starting the next war again later. In fact, having proven that they can invade a sovereign country and then leave with next to no significant backlash more or less guarantees the next war.

    When people say the war doesn’t end until Moscow is overthrown, it doesn’t mean that we want or plan for Ukraine to march right up to the doors of the Kremlin and burn it down with Putin inside. I doubt anyone would make significant moves to stop that happening, but that’s not the point being made. The point being made is that the Putin regime has proven itself a bully and a liar, and has proven pretty definitively that they will remain those things. So long as Putin remains in power his regime will continue to strike at nearby victims for profit. They’ve been doing it the entire time he’s been in power and they aren’t about to stop now unless forced to. Removing his forces from Ukraine and then leaving him in charge of them does nothing except kick the can a few years down the road while Russia regroups.

    So yes, if you define “the war” as ending when the fighting stops, it would end it now to just send everyone back home. But it’s less of an ending and more of an intermission, if Putin is not punished. He won’t take this lying down especially after he and his forces have been so thoroughly humiliated during this conflict. Leaving him in control of his national and military assets makes it a certainty that he will be back to finish what he started, provided he lives long enough to actually do so.

  • I’m not in the industry anymore, but every time I raised an issue to the boss that got ignored, I used to like to keep a little folder where I’d print the emails or just take notes about the issue, the proposed fix, and when and why it got rejected.

    Then, 8 months later when everything is on fire, I could point at the date February 12, where at 3:40 PM I raised this specific issue that got ignored.

    It never benefitted me, not once, in fact I sincerely think my boss at the time thought I was a smug little prick. Which was fair, I was one. But credit where it’s due, every time I brought the folder back out, he’d get a look like he just swallowed a mug full of cold piss and tell me I was right. That’s all I really wanted out of that folder anyway.

  • That’s an awful large wall of text to tell everyone you haven’t listened to anything that’s gone on in many years. If you think Trump is about to somehow magically resolve this genocide that he’s been actively egging on from the sidelines, please learn to read.

    I do know the truth about the US political establishment, I fucking live here, you goon. And the truth is that until the civil war starts, we are reduced to voting for the lesser evil. Anything else is causing more active harm to ourselves and our fellow humans for no gain.

    So yes, I will vote for Biden, because I’m not being presented a better option. Once the blood starts spilling on American soil that may end up a different story. But for right now? This both sides bullshit is actively killing people and making the entire world worse, both here and overseas.

    I remember when Trump was in office, I remember what he said and did and what he’s promised will happen next time. I’m not about to let that happen again. If my options are 40% evil or 99% evil I’m picking the 40% every time, no question, from a purely utilitarian viewpoint.

  • Similarly, it is IMPLICIT that you and all other Americans are going to be exploited, and brown people are going to be killed, but you can pick the red guy to do it, or the blue guy.

    And that is no excuse to explicitly support the far more vocal and exploitative of the two, cheering forth the exploitation and murder because “BoTh sIDeS aRe GoiNg tO DO iT!” Fuck that. One side at least has the decency to appear publicly shameful of it. The other revels in it, where the cruelty is the point. If both sides are the same then I’m going to pick the side with a veneer of civility because to do otherwise is to give up entirely on any hope for a future. If both sides aren’t the same then we all know which color is going to end up on the right side of history, that isn’t even a question. So regardless how IMPLICIT it is that America is fucked up shit creek, it’s also EXPLICIT that the average voter doesn’t get much of a say in it and we can only either vote for ineffective neoliberalism, or vote to actively set our own faces on fire.

    “I hate the way everything is. Candidate A will make everything mostly stay the same, shitty garbage that I’m used to. Candidate B will make everything that I hate several times worse, as well as present new and novel problems we’ve never even known about before now, as well as inventing new non-issues to pad his own pockets with culture war profits. There is no candidate C. You know, I’m seriously considering voting for Candidate B.” is a brain damaged take, end of story.

    Opinions like yours is what brought you BoJo and Brexit. Forgive me if I don’t want to entertain them across the pond.