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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • Once when I was mowing the lawn as a kid I accidentally stepped in a hidden hole near our garden that had a yellowjacket nest in it (yeah, the little fuckers nest in the ground). Fell over, almost broke my knee backwards because, y’know, stepped in a hole by accident. Found out about 1.8 seconds later that hole had a gorillion yellowjackets inside, when the entire nest immediately stung the piss out of me and then swarmed out of the nest to chase me across my own lawn. At this time I’m like 13 and already not a tough kid, I’m screaming, crying, blindly flailing my way back towards my house, falling over, getting up, falling over again because my leg is now made of fire, the entire time getting chased by a swarm of yellowjackets, they’re getting in my hair, they’re crawling under my clothes, I got stung multiple times on every fucking body part that exists. I got stung on the leg, on my face, on my chest, I got stung on my cock and balls three times by these sons of bitches and then in my infinite wisdom I crashed through the front door into my house and called for my mom to help, trailing 12,861 yellowjackets on and about my person, she was not very happy with me that day after the immediate danger was over. They got into everything. We ended up paying to bug bomb the house and I kept finding yellowjacket bodies in weird corners for the next two years.

    Turns out, I’m apparently not allergic to those, because if I was I would definitely have died and even not being allergic recovery was the most intensely awful couple of weeks I’ve ever experienced in my life. Now, I do not fuck with the yellowjackets. I DO NOT FUCK with the yellowjackets. If I can’t immediately firebomb them out of existence I will call a professional to firebomb them out of existence the same hour I discover them. Fuck 'em.

  • E-Jerry Can modular batteries

    We’ve already established that weight isn’t really an issue so let’s just give it two battery racks. It runs off one battery at a time so the other one can be disconnected and changed. When the one in use runs low, throw the breaker over and either change the dead battery or keep running on the aux until that one dies too if you’re in an emergency situation.

    Larger vehicles with higher power requirements can scale up the number of battery racks they have and still use the universal Grunt Power Brick just in larger quantities, and you can create a battery hauler with a generator and like 40 battery slots to carry around your fresh ones and recharge your empties. That generator might be the one thing in your squadron that still runs on gasoline, supplemented with solar.

  • I genuinely believe something like this is what some of my professors wanted me to submit back in school. I once got a couple points off a project for not having a clarifying comment on every single line of code. I got points off once for not comment-clarifying a fucking iterator variable. I wish I could see what they would have said if I turned in something like this. I have a weird feeling that this file would have received full marks.

  • It’s less that they’ve actively made things better for anyone and more that some of their currency is actually circulating to these folks in the first place. Think about the most dirt poor shithole town you can imagine in Bumfuck Kentucky, where there’s no running water and barely electricity, and then make the place 30° and covered in ice for 8 months of the year. That’s real life for some Russians. There’s not any money to even make out there even if the effort was put into it. So being put in the army and paid a soldier’s salary, even if half of it is being skimmed, is probably more money than some of these guys have ever seen in one place before. Add to that the requirement ability to travel through civilization, and they’re suddenly living a whole new life they’ve never dreamed of before. I’d call that an increase in quality of life, even if you’re only upgrading from Russian Peasant into Russian Soldier that’s still a fairly significant boost in some cases. Right up until some Ukrainian high schooler drops a pipe bomb in your lap from a drone to complete his killstreak.