• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023

  • the civilisation of diego garcia people (or how the islands are named by them and how they name themselves) are forced away from their homeland ‘right now’, not only in the past.

    hawaiian country is destroyed ‘right now’ by their invaders military, not only in the past.

    not to mention how ‘law enforcement’ acts on people without that secure pale skin today in the us, which is happening ‘right now’, not only in the past and slavery is protected by us law ‘right now’, not only in the past.

    Can sioux people walk their rightful land right now freely and follow their religion? ay, no they can’t, some invadors don’t allow that but keep captured their land ‘right now’, not only in the past.

    it happens right now what you seem to want to see as some “history” things, so following your argumentation, the invasion of ukraine was in the past too (right? there are little changes nowadays and ukraine even got some land from russia, right?) so should we:?

    • not talk about it as the initial invasion already is history?
    • only talk about it cause its “the others” who do it?
    • ignore all wars and genocides supported by the west but claim other invaders do be the evil ones but the west to be the goodies despite all the warcrimes committed?
    • … (your ideas here to maxbe stop maybe ALL invaders) ?

    after how many years some evil act becomes “legalized by history” in your opinion? is it 20 years, 50years or 100years? you already complained about 400years to be too much, so plz tell me what you think is the time a land must be forcefully captured to ‘rightfully’ change ownership to the brutish invader? whatever number “the west” would say would be enough to legalize such past crimes, that would be exactly the number of years the west would in the same sentence tell russia to have to keep ukraine captive so that the status quo would be as legalized as in those countries or cities captured by the west already beeing said to be “historically legitimised” as the west seems to accept that as “rightful ownership” then. since the west seems to never give back once invaded land, it tells russia and israel to actually do the same and capture as much as they can now to “legally own”(style of “the west”) it in a few decades, while israel already invaded and captured land in the (i think) northwest, they are driven by the wests real-world-definition of their so called “rightful ownership” to invade other countries now, and not only in some future.

    maybe i didn’t write it for people like you (how could i know u?) but for others who might want to read whole thoughts instead of only cheap and short propaganda. The evil ones always want the masses to forget at least most of what they did and “short and incomplete” is the tool of propaganda.

  • Right, so we all better just let the Russian regime take whatever it wants,

    so they can keep land taken by force like diego garcia, hawaii, sioux nation territory* or countless others were taken by force once and the new “owner” kept and exploited these lands since then? yes, that would be awful.

    *(thats also where that “monument” stands that stands as an example to remind the the world which nation will never ever stick to laws, not even to its very own ones, but instead humilitate other peoples religions like it i.e. also does in hawaii)

    no! i think we really should make such countries give the taken-by-force land back to their rightful owners immediately plus a compensation that is worth that name plus whatever it takes to undo any destruction or change or poisoning with whatever chemicals done to the land under such evil invaders (thinking of the enewetak atoll right now 😢)

    And maybe we should concentrate on the cultures that were completely(!) deported long ago first, to at least give their children back the land that was taken from their parents or grandparents or grandgrandparents a.s.o. so diego garcia seems to be the easiest one, the current invaders there don’t need it for a living and don’t even call it their “home”, so just make them leave the captured land that is not theirs now. rescueing a whole civilisation and culture from evilish invaders was never easier! then of course those who’s ancestors had been deported and enslaved, those need to be compensated for but that cannot be aligned in money especially not since that money happens to be printed by those who’s ancestors did the deportation and enslavement and the money presses were at least indirectly build with slave labour, so other solutions need to be found that are not only accepted by those of the deported families who live today but really(!) compensate for centuries of abuse. also the debt of not yet abolishing slavery needs to be compensated for as it is at least a slap in their faces every day and this should be compensated like a slap in the face of an officer today, but for each single day per affected person living during that time since slavery was first introduced into those laws until it is completely abolished (this would only be the compennsation for not yet abolishing slavery). also those countries where those long ago enslaved had been deported from have to be compensated for all the losses including but not limited to all losses that resulted or may have resulted in development that did not happen due to that deporting and enslaving their families friends and firefighters ages ago. also all damages that happened after that deportation like robbing of resources underground their land that they could not defend any more due to that deporting like robbed diamonds, robbed gold and robbed oil and maybe lots of other robbed resources too. this compensatoon needs to be done throughoutly and complete, just to give the russians that example that the west actually “can” do something good and would stand to rightful living together and not only robbing the world until everything is gone like the west does now. if the west would stand to its so called values, a war against robbers would be a good one, but as it is right now, fighing another robber nation would just be a fight about who can rob more and stands last which is a bad thing or do you actually like that idea?

    so on which robber nations side are you? you seemed to want to sound like being on the russian side, so tell me how many nations had been invaded and robbed and enslaved by russia in the last … lets say 400 years ? (next step would be to compare that with western nations to be at least complete when determining which robbers side would be the more civilised one to know which side to stand to - which seemed to me to be your real question here)

    Or else they will use nuclear bombs.

    i guess giving back sioux nations land, hawaii and diego garcia to their rightful owners and start compensating the damages done to other nations would put real moral pressure on the russians, but until then, the only thing that happens when “the west” keeps bubbling about the values they don’t even fight for within their own captive taken lands is that one evil side shouts at the other but using bombs instead of real actions of good.

    have a nice day!

  • You’re not a journalist

    from reading, don’t believe you (oxjox) happen to even know who CriticalResist8 is let alone who he works for or anything else and that what you want to spread as truth about him (her?) really only is your weak personal shortthought quick-response-cause-i-can-insult-someone opinion. But of course i do not “know” if that is true about you even though i happen to believe that now. how could i know?

    i didn’t think CR8 was a journalist either, but i wouldn’t state that i knew he wasn’t until i actually know that as a fact. Do you know that as a fact? Did you check his identity, papers or such?

    There are appropriate places for your work. This is not the place.

    please, oxjox, do not spread untrue informations or unproven guesses as truth about other people here, lemmy is not a place for such or any type of insults. thank you for not doing such again !!

  • i once had to look at a firefall appliance cluster, (discovered, it could not do any failover in its current state but somehow the decider was ok with that) but when looking at its logs, i discovered an rsh and rcp access from an ip address that belonged to a military organisation from a different continent. i had to make it a security incident. later the vendor said that this was only the cluster internal routing (over the dedicated crosslink), used for synchronisation (the thing that did not work) and was only used by a separate routing table only for clustersync and that could never be used for real traffic. but why not simply use an ip that you “own” by yourself and PTR it with a hint about what this ip is used for? instead of customers scratching their head why military still uses rcp and rsh. i guess because no company reads firewall logs anyway XD

    someone elses ip? yes! becuase they’ll never find out !!1!

    i really appreciate that ipv6 has things like a dedicated documentation address range and that fc00:/7 is nicely short.

  • ipv6 in companies… ipv6 is not hard, but for internal networking no company (really) “needs” more than rfc1918 address space. thus any decision in that direction is always “less” needed than any bonus for (da)magement personnel is crucial for the whole companies survival…

    for companies services to be reachable from outside/ipv6 mostly “only” the loadbalancers/revproxies etc need to be ipv6 ready but … this i.e. also produces logs that possibly break decades old regexes that no one understands any more (as the good engineers left due to too many boni payed to damagement personnel) while other access/deny rules that could break or worse let through where they should block (remember that 192.168. could the local part of ipv6 IF sone genious used a matching mech that treats the dot “.” as a wildcard as overpayed damagement personnel made them rush too fast), could be hidden “somewhere”. altogether technical debt is a huge blocker for everything, especially company growth, and if no customer “demands” ipv6, then it stays on the damagement personnels list as “fulfilling the whishes of engineers to keep them happy” instead of on the always deleted “cleaning up technical debt caused by damagement personnel” list.

    setting up firewalls for ipv6 is quite easy and if you go the finegrained “whitelisted or drop/block” approach from the beginning it might take a bit for ipv6 specials to be known to you, but the much bigger thing is IMHO the then current state of firewall rules. and who knows every existing rule? what rules should be removed already and must not be ported to ipv6? usually firewalls and their rules are a big mess due to … again too many boni payed to damagement personnel, hindering the company from the needed steps forward…

    ipv6 adoption is slow for reasons that are driving huge cars that in turn speed up other problems ;-|

  • maybe start with an adjustable setup:

    • rent a cheap vm, i got one for 1€/month (for the first year,cancel monthly) from ovh currently
    • setup 3 openvpn instances to redirect all routes through the tunnel, one with ipv4 only, one with ipv6 only and one with both
    • setup the client on your mobile phone and your laptop both with all three vpns to choose from
    • have the option to choose now and try out ipv6, standalone or dualstack depending on what vpn you switch on
    • use this setup to blame services that don’t support ipv6 yet or maybe are broken with dualstack 🤣
    • rise from under-the-stone (disabling ipv6 only) to in-sunlight (to a well-above-industry-standart-level !!! “quick” new network technologies adopting “genious”) 🤣
    • improve your openvpn setup from above to be reachable “by” ipv6 too if you haven’t done it from the beginning, done: reach the pro-level of the-late-adopter-noob-group

    (if you want, ask for config snippets)

    btw i prefer to wait for ipv8😁 before “demanding” ipv6 from services i use 🤣

    • The good’ol cursing seemed to work without radio or someone actually listening
    • it seems boeing was already cursed with parasites in high positions. not sure if additional cursing could actually increase a long painful death curse by anything other than its duration.
    • The “pick them up” they’ld rather want, does not work through radio yet, rescue missions for biological personnel sadly still need to be made of/by solids.
    • unfortunately radio is a bit flawed during the plasma phase of reentry, while i think the plasma phase ‘is’ the reentry, before is only getting closer, after its basically flying or gliding/falling down, maybe parachuting. the plasma is a bit of a barrier for radio signals they said long ago. however i was quite surprised to see a new "documentation’ lately about the columbia shuttle during reentry where i was sure the original documentation said that they were in the no-radio phase due to plasma while the new ‘documentation’ said they could communicate through radio even seconds before the destruction of the shuttle, the new documentation even showed they had sensor metrics about first sensors to measure high temp while afaik those sensors were initially later installed only “because” of the aftermath for this very nasa failure … so could be that also the informations we got from tha liers about the plasma phase is also a bit “flawed”.
    • last, i’ld guess that they don’t have equipment for amateur radio frequencies on board, all involved are picky about overall rather “deadly” leaking of informations important for the public.

    so to answer your question: my guess is no one will.