Providing possible solutions to stated problems is the only quality discourse

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024

  • I brought up the Chinese concentration camps once, so not sure how I “keep yammering” about that. And I just searched, there is a considerable level of discussion here by large news outlets so I’m hardly spewing conspiracy theories. But sure, it could be all fake.

    I really have no interest in arguing and the irony is we likely agree far more than has been indicated through this 4/10 effort to have a conversation on the internet. I do my best to educate myself so I will continue to do that as you have implored. I wish you the best…

  • I don’t disagree that the world should be far more left as a whole and people should not have to suffer at the whims of systems that don’t care about them. But yeah “freedom from homelessness” while the Chinese government dictates what you can say and what knowledge you can access is just an absurd argument to me. How about freedom from concentration camps? I guess in your opinion that’s a home. It doesn’t matter what color the boot is on your neck, they both suck.

    And yeah I really dgaf about Russia, I just assumed they were still “communist” in some way shape or form. Anyways, I was never saying capitalism is the savior, just that “it makes sense” from a human standpoint. Humans will still take advantage of other humans in some way, shape, or form whether it be with money or rights, religion or speech, some form of control until I dunno, people figure out how not to give other people their power. That’s a human thing that humans need to achieve, I just don’t see a government or economic system doing that. Except of course when humans do that they will still have to form some government and economy so I guess it’s just a question of the chicken and the egg.

  • Wealth inequality absolutely exists in both China and Russia, which is my whole point. No place on earth has a true socialist/communist economy. Because people are going to take money when they have the opportunity, no economic system is going to solve that today. Whether it’s “theft” or “legal theft” it happens. Furthermore both China and Russia have dictatorship governments, where there is less freedom. So I’m not sure how you can say anything is [edit: substantially ] better than anything else. Maybe you want to live (or do) in a dictatorship which, fine, I won’t fault you for that. And free healthcare exists in capitalist economies. So that’s not mutually exclusive to communism.

    It sounds to me more like you just care more about the words or definitions than the actual reality. If you believe life is better in Russia or China because they are communist so be it, but the freedom in those countries is measurably and proven worse. Which, has nothing to do with their economies, because this is far more complex than two stupid words… So bottom line from my perspective, there is no example whatsoever of a quality functioning communist economy and lifestyle on the planet and the best thing we can achieve at this point in human evolution is a social democracy with strong regulations to keep capitalism in check.

  • Then where is it working? Why in our greatest examples of communism is there still an elite class in control?

    Edit: And if nature is not our greatest example of “how the world works” what do you suggest? Again, not at all a defense of capitalism, just an example for why it is. There are countless examples in nature of mimicry and deception to eat the fucking prey. Like capitalists. So tell me obtuse fuck, where is the example of what you’re preaching?

  • The US didn’t stomp out socialism, they stomped out people that kept them away from natural resources (which happened to be people who said they were socialist). You think if the US hadn’t overthrown Allende in Chile they would have become this bastion of human equity and prosperity? Maybe, but I could argue just as much that if the US had done absolutely nothing in that country he could have been overthrown by his own greedy political rival. With what we see in the world all around us that’s by far the more plausible outcome there because nearly all humans are greedy no matter what nation they were born in. This is in no way a defense of US actions in South America or anywhere in the world, but assuming the outcome without US involvement in all these places would have been rainbows and roses is ridiculous. Yes, imperialism is wrong, but the outcomes still could have been just another wrong. In fact, to imply that the United States government had the power to literally change human nature - because according to you “we could’ve been living in a very different world today” - is so ridiculous and giving the stupid US government wayyyy too much power. Yeah, we could’ve been living in a very different world, one way worse. Who are you to say how anything that didn’t happen would be?!?!

    The idea we’ll have Marxist communism without capital and the bourgeois is just misguided, it directly conflicts with human nature. But it’s a nice thought experiment. If you watch nature shows and connect the dots, capitalism is simply survival of the fittest in economic form. That is not a defense, it’s simply and explanation for why it is. We are “right on schedule.” Sure there are altruistic species on the planet but show me an apex predator that exhibits altruism.

    The idea that the US has a monopoly on racism is comical. Nearly everyone in the past was racist. So because Hitler was infatuated with some of the beliefs of American politicians when he was doing his own thing is the fault of the US? Please. The problem with that article and this narrative is it tries to paint a “man behind the curtain” narrative. There is no man behind the curtain. There is no secret society running everything. It’s a nice bedtime story and yeah it makes us feel better but it’s not how people operate. This is 100% about money and always has been. And as soon as one human with too much money thinks another human is keeping them from that money, they will turn on each other even if both of them think black people should be sterilized.

    And sure, all of human history isn’t “shit” but the fact is homo sapiens, the apex monkeys who won the “caveman days” and killed or bred out the other human-like species on the planet, that’s our evolution. That’s how we got HERE and it wasn’t love, peace, and happiness. And yes the idea of living in the garden like all the natives we trampled over sounds fantastic, but history more or less had to look this way, right? Technology essentially dictated that the natives living in the garden were going to get wiped out at some point. If it wasn’t the western white world that did it it would have been someone else. If the “Chinese tribes” hadn’t been spending all that time warring within their own land (which is exactly why it wasn’t them, they had plenty of land and resources to fight over.) they could have been the ones to kill the “new world” natives and everyone would be speaking Mandarin. They could have used slaves to earn massive capital to build a massive military to use that military to ensure it’s economic success around the world. You think they are NOT doing that now?!

    So fussing over “what could have been” is just pointless. Blaming “the entity on top” is lazy. The question is how do we move forward. And if you ask me it’s not tearing it all down. That’s what’s insane to me about everyone here in this thread trying to say “Scholz can’t say anything bad about Putin/Tucker because he supports Israel invading Palestine.” and trying to draw a correlation that they’re the same thing (they’re absolutely similar but they’re not the same thing), or that we can just ignore the actual modern day Nazi’s in America that are actively trying to bring back the actual ideals of Nazi Germany, which is who Tucker is rooting for and absolutely what Putin wants to happen here.

    It’s incredulous to me that the majority of the people here are indirectly (or directly) saying “but look over here” with regards to Putin and Tucker as if that’s a non-issue and Israel and Palestine is the only global issue. And then being all flippant and childish about it. If DT gets elected there will literally be US troops killing Palestinians (except it’ll probably be over by then). DT moved the embassy to Jerusalem but people want to rail on Biden for toeing the line of US foreign policy wrt a very complex issue (no, it shouldn’t be, but it is. Which ironically the “answer” is in the middle east YT video that is posted here). So who gives a flying fuck about nearly 80 year old history when we have a real and obvious problem here and now.

    And if the people here aren’t American and can’t vote and don’t have an influence in that - then I think it’s completely fine to share history and maybe educate people about how we got here. But the angst, hyperbole, and flippancy towards “who they think they’re responding to” just sours their message and makes them sound like children.

  • Have you ever read A People’s History of the United States? Or any literature beyond the internet? What you’re linking is both old news and out of touch with the true roots of America, which yes, is shit. But guess what? The whole history of the world is fucking shit. Nowhere have humans been kind and caring to one another on a global stage, unless it suited their interests. We’re fucking animals, and the fact we’ve made it this far and built this level of population is astounding. We’re two wrong steps away from the whole thing crashing down. So cool, you know some history, what the fuck are you doing about it? Because if you like your iphone and this online discourse with randoms you get to feel superior over we all better start figuring out how to right the ship before it goes down. Because it’s easy as fuck to raze it all. It’s hard to fix something that’s broken.