Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • heat always moves upwards rather than down

    That’s just not true. Heat moves along the path of least resistance, not “up,” “up” just happens to generally be less resistance than “down” due to density differences in air.

    heat is atom speed and electricity is electrons jumping

    From your second link:

    In other words, heat is transferred by conduction when adjacent atoms vibrate against one another, or as electrons move from one atom to another.

    Density matters. Free electrons matter. But in short, metal and water conduct heat better than air, which means the heat transferred is more likely to go into the water than into the air. Certain metals conduct heat better than other metals, largely due to electrical conductivity.

  • Yes, you can cool water for the exact same reason that it heats up really fast.

    And yes, it kind of is like electricity, in fact, good conductors of electricity are generally good conductors of heat. Electrical conduction happens through transfer of electrons, so atoms that can easily gain/lose electrons conduct electricity really well. Heat conduction happens through kinetic energy transfer, and and free electrons can transfer that energy to adjacent atoms by moving between them (like they do with electrical energy). It’s a very similar mechanism.

    Water is a much better conductor of heat than air because it’s much more dense. So if you have a metal tank full of water, the heat is much more likely to be conducted through the water inside the tank than the air outside the tank. That’s why water cooling is so effective, it sucks the heat away from the hot component, transports it to a radiator, which then spreads out the water (dramatically increasing surface area) to maximize the effectiveness of transferring that energy to the air (more opportunities for the cooler air to collide with the warmer water molecules).

  • Eh, as a Dvorak vim user, I haven’t had many issues. I just hotkey swap between Dvorak and QWERTY as needed and things largely work out.

    Things could be a lot better, like if games and whatnot would read use key codes instead of letters for key bindings. WASD should silently map to ,AOE (that was painful to type on my phone’s QWERTY keyboard), and that only works in 1/4 or so of games I play.

  • Yassar Arafat

    Yeah, he was way better than Hamas. I can’t condone the attack on Khartoum, but Arafat turned it around and denounced terrorism, recognized Israel’s right to exist, and sought peace.

    Here’s what I’d like to see:

    • UN pressure Israel to give the West Bank more autonomy - they’re currently doing the opposite
    • Israel open a corridor for Palestinians to evacuate to the West Bank, in coordination with the West Bank (i.e. West Bank helps in screening and sets limits)
    • move toward recognition of the West Bank as Palestine, with internationally recognized claims to Gaza

    But I doubt that’s going to happen, at least right now with Israel.

    Abuse of Native Americans was happening through the 80s (!!!)

    Yes, and that’s what discussions should be around: actual harms experienced by living people today.

    Yet the conversion tends to be muddied by things that happened a long time ago. So it’s often punishing the current generation for things their ancestors (or people completely unrelated to them) did. The same goes for other minorities, though those have very different claims compared to native tribes.

    I have opinions on how to move forward here, but it’s very different from what to do about what’s happening to Palestinians today.

  • IDK, I don’t have a hard time condemning Hamas. As soon as you target non-combatants, you lose all sympathy from me. And yes, that goes for Israel as well.

    What’s the right thing for them to do?

    Reject Hamas and form a peaceful government to demonstrate they can keep the terrorist factions at bay. Then appeal to the UN for negotiations to happen.

    You have a lot more chips at the bargaining table if you’re not murdering the citizens of the country you’re negotiating with.

    Is asking for their land… unreasonable?

    Absolutely not! I have a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians and believe they have a lot of justified claims that need to be addressed.

    That said, it’s a very different situation than in the US because it’s much more recent for Palestinians. The native tribes were displaced almost 200 years ago so nobody alive actually remembers it, therefore reparations, imo, have passed the statute of limitations. The state of Israel was created less than 100 years ago, so the Palestinians alive today are absolutely directly impacted.

    I have my own opinions about how things should be settled, but that’s honestly not for me to decide, that’s between the Israelis, Palestinians, and any relevant coalitions of nations (UN and perhaps the Arab League). At the very least, non-Israelis need to have direct access to East Jerusalem, and it should probably not be directly under Israeli control.