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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Strawman? Where TF do you see a strawman? Is it somewhere behind your whataboutism?

    “There is corruption in other countries too you know”… yeah, thanks. We talk about them separately because it’s necessary to analyse each one individually.

    But, as a matter of indulgence we can say that US regulations are much more lax than in the EU proper, which is tbf also culpable in petroleum, gas and yee olde capitalist exploitation, but it is still a far cry away from China, India and Russia, because those are highly authoritarian countries that are ruled by oligarchies that do not GIVE A FUUUCK about their citizens, even much more so than even the US.

    In any case, wtf does all that have to do with the history of the EPA being made a limp dick by way of lobbying and intentionally ineffective policies? The point remains the same, the EPA has been weakened and it’s apparent all across the US - word to Flint, Michigan.

    Time for a damn reform I say.

  • Classically speaking we’d have to wade through centuries of imperialistic mental gymnastics and dogma, wouldn’t we?

    Naturalism is inherently anti-secular, not in ideal, but in effect. It’s not a question of what people believe, but actual outcomes.

    And it’s not just “the right wing”, it’s all liberals. Neo, centrists, moderates, socially conservative liberals. Yes, I’m saying liberalism is right wing and has always been right wing, but years of propaganda makes it seem like there’s a difference. There isn’t. It’s not an illusion of choice, it’s the delusion of choice.

    But I guess that doesn’t match with populare definition either.

  • The idea behind naturalism from a political perspective is everything works from natural preset, that all things will remain natural, from markets, to industry, to the running of government. Unfortunately it has a tendency to breed hierarchies, “meritocracy” and dominance as a form of natural selection. It’s the foundational reasoning of nationalists, tankies and the old Catholic church, albeit “under god”, not to mention racists. Us versus them, enemy mentality, it’s all weaponised pack instinct.

    I feel Humanism is juxtaposed to this, because it focuses on the possibility of humanity through the individual. It’s not being humanitarian, as that stems from altruism.

    Humanism from a political level poses that society and the individual must create environments conducive of bringing out the best in everyone and to generally create humanized environments as a base necessity. Like for instance a prison system that gives prisoners each their rooms and bathrooms, or a schools that meet the needs of students, or even national funding of religious organisations from a cultural perspective, like Mosques and Churches.

    To put it bluntly, Martin Luther King Jr is a humanist icon and humanism is the foundational philosophic model of Nordic countries such as Norway. It’s even written into the Norwegian constitution as a foundational tradgional value.

    However, naturalism becomes normalised if you’re at war, or when facing a major existential opressor like with CRT in the US, during economic collapse, etc. Then it becomes almost unavoidable and understandable even. But it’s still the core philosophy of authoritarianism and is something people have been trying to get away from for millennia.

  • TL;Dr the simple mind has a simple world. However, as a socialist libertarian (yes, we exist, we read Marx AND Adam Smith - imagine that) I can’t let this slide. Let’s hope the commenter has reading comprehension.

    The biggest ignorance of most socialists and indeed communists is the idea that capitalism is a political system. It is not. That is basically part of the brain rot in the liberals mind as well. “oh, don’t go left, because then you’ll destroy capitalism”.

    Well, what if I’m a libertarian socialist, or even an anarchist, who has an understanding that the political system is allowing a form of capitalism that is predatory and exploitative by way of law, as well as imperialistic and nationaliatic fervour?

    Anyone who believes that a “free market” is an unregulated market is an idiot, and that said regulation should happen from the bottom up - and not the top down, that the centralisation of ownership is not because of the capitalist system, but that degeneracy and delusion put on a pedestal that allows for a form of capitalism that is inherently naturalistic, predatory and an aristocrats wet dream.

    This is done through the philosophy of naturalism, a philosophy juxtaposed to humanism, and the favourite amongst liberals, nationalists, monarchs, communists, etc. Its basically giving into the pack instinct and mob mentality, formalised in emperors new clothing - or the pope’s new hat. Y’know, meritocracy. Naturalists are the best at being degenerate and in denial of it. Shout outs to every “protestant” in the Republican party, the anti-christ dirtbags.

    The problem is if you asked anyone to define capitalism, most people would fail horribly. Doesn’t matter if they are for or against, you get talking points and party brainrot vomited on your like it’s a Saturday in Surry. So let me explain it to you as simply as possible.

    Capitalism is a system where we virtualised ownership or property as a form of valuing said property automatically, instead of employing appraisers everywhere - because said appraisers might lie and put your economy into the shitter, we created a system where property can easily - and quickly - moved around assets.

    This is why China is so good at capitalism, as well as nationalism and whatever form of communism they have, because they’ve proven that these things don’t need to be mutually exclusive. But westerners point at the thing they don’t like, and then blame that, as Xi Jinping plays 3D chess, above and beyond your paygrade, and above and beyond the IQ level of western liberals - which is somewhere above being able to open a door.

    It’s not a political system, it’s not a judicial system, and it never was. That’s the big brain rot, the big conjob, that and the fact that the liberals will always claim there’s only one form of capitalism - which again, China has thuroughly disproved. It’s literally just usury, but applied to property rather than currency. It’s a tool, a double edged sword, which in it’s current, centralised form fosters dialectal matetialism - yeeeey Marx & Engels.

    In essence, people ignore the actual systems, the conditioning through law and community that may foster the brainrot to say “rip it all down”. Most of these tankies want to see the world burn, and it shows.

    But what if I told you that you could regulate some of it though a public tax record? What if no politician, business, or special interests could hide the chain of money, a chain used to hide the bag, a chain necessary in the capitalist system? Again, not legal system, not financial system, not even economic system, but another overlay in the mix.

    How about we take it even further? How about all public spending, even if through private contracts, must be publicly disclosed, or else the leadership of the parties, government bodies or companies behind them - despite not being “directly involved” - tried for high treason… because incompetency should be tried as treason.

    In any case, anyone stupid enough to want to depose capitalism, asks only for another form of centralised usury to replace it - like what the USSR tried, and miserably failed at. But at the end of the day, the western world needs to wake up to the fact that capitalism is centrally controlled because we allow it to be.

    And that is the real problem. Some strong man, some cult like party, some sycophantic circle jerk, wether on the right on the left, that will inevitably fail their people, because their priorities amounted to “these people bad, we must destroy these people, baceuse monkey go smash”.

    I reject all naturalism, for I am a humanist, and reject the idea that capitalism - not socialism - is the problem of anything. Both are scapegoats. You need the individual, you need the community, you need the collective. They are not mutually exclusive, but judging from two centuries of “is vs them” mixed together with enlightenment theories has lead us down a path of intellectual suicide.

    Don’t come here with that bullshit, because then I’ll reject you like I reject centrists, moderates, conservative, social democrats or any of the other liberal rebrandings, let alone tankies and “rip the system down” imbeciles who have blood on the tooth.

    I reject all of that, because for thousands of years, naturalism has reigned. It’s time for humanism to take it’s rightful place, and that rejects all political ideologies and forces you to actually think - which people don’t like to do.

    So I expect thuroughly that you have not read this far, and even if you did, I expect packaged talking points returned from your favourite political denomination, a denomination I’ve categorically rejected in this text.

    I wish you well.

  • This kind of pisses me off, because it proves lefties won’t really go hard regarding organisation or in regards the ballots, unless an existential threat pops it’s head out.

    Like we see nationalist populism on the rise in Europe, as as an alternative to the limp dick, mainstay, do nothing, “austerity measure solves everything” approach of those sycophantic, weasley bootlickers known as “the liberals” - i.e, the Tories, Renaissance (Macron), Tusk’s party, and come to think of it: every other liberal leading party in Europe, whose been controlling narrative and economy for over half a century.

    The EU has been saying that we can’t have a race to the bottom like we’ve been doing, but make no mistake: the liberals want that more than anything. It’s why these “free market” exploiters have been relying on wage slavery in China since the 50s, in effect propping up an authoritarian regime to save a buck - and now they’re complaining about it.

    Who exported all manufacturing to communist China? The liberals. Who propped up Putins nationalistic build-up to rebuild the Russian Empire? Fucking liberals. Who keeps blaming foreigners for their own incompetence and stupidity? Conservatives… also known as socially conservative liberals.

    Even the word “liberal” or “liberalism” is fake, because it’s not about people’s freedom or rights, but how to install a private aristocracy free from the reproach of the people.

    In essence, liberalism is a lie and liberals are delusional.

  • I’m wondering how much of that is just due to misinformation. You have to account for the widespread Zionist influence campaign that’s been going on for decades and that has cost millions.

    From Zionists traveling abroad, to Zionists flying people in. A family member got flown in some years ago and ever since they’ve been a propaganda machine in them selves.

    It doesn’t matter how many times I tell them that their talking points are factually wrong and framed in a manipulative way, because they themselves don’t understand it.

    Brainwashing, when done right, sets it claws into the human brain something fierce. This is more apparent in some countries than others.

  • The intrinsic arc of utter corruption culminates in economic turmoil and ultimately the art of scapegoating. As the English politician realises that all the foreign labourers have been chased off and that they can’t just prop the economy up on ill gotten gains from foreign lands, that they must ultimately direct the ire of the masses inward.

    Are you per chance a secret Chinese spy? Who knows?! Perhaps you are one, especially if you’re a member of the opposition party! Seen any red flags lately, hmmmmmm?!? Perhaps you like to dabble in electronics, like a little bit of maths, do we??? Even in our own party??? Moderate?!? You mean… possible collaborator…

    McCarthy should be proud. The world was changed forever, and even though it makes no sense, most likely it’s the socialists, libertarians and anarchists who will be blamed, along with black and brown people, the gypsy, the jew, muslims, hindus and even possibly christians, whoever fits the bill, as hungry and angry masses are directed towards a new common enemy.

    It’s the release valve of the leading class, the dog the elites can blame for hot air, it’s the scapegoat.

    (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ 🐐