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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • So do I. Also the only time I had an outage in 25 years was due to equipment failure and, there also was a planned maintenance. It never took longer than a couple hours.

    Grocery bags cost like what? 50 cents? It encourages having reusable bags which are more practical anyway and don’t break as often.

    As for gas, this is a problem with location. On one side we have ocean on the other we have mountains. This causes pollution to be trapped.

    This is why Los Angeles was infamous for its smog in 70s and 80s. Catalysts and specifically refined oil helped being it back to healthy levels.

    Also I don’t get the obsession with the gas. If you look at prices the gas prices were static for nearly 15 years. It is ridiculous that this is still an argument to anything.

  • The Chinese government has also dismissed such concerns as paranoia and has warned that a TikTok ban would “inevitably come back to bite the US”.

    If instead of getting anything they are opting to get $0, that actually confirms the “paranoia”.

    The fact that the two countries that are most accused of spreading disinformation (including using Western’s own social media) not only provide their own alternatives, but also bans Western social media shows that West wasn’t paranoid enough.

  • This is something that bothers me. I see EVs as future and a next step in car evolution, but why all of them have to be connected? Why most people don’t have problem with it? I’m not talking about Chinese cars, but all of them.

    20 years ago if you would say a car could be hacked one would laugh and say that this only happens in sci-fi movies, now this is a reality. And that’s not the only threat, there’s a huge implication with privacy. Why people are so not caring about it?