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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Ah, yes. I see. My friend, when you serve the one true religion you feeeeel it deep down, as though god is talking through your feelings.

    You can’t just allow people from false religions to galavant around claiming they are part of the one true religion. And, see, since we’re all immortal (at least in the true religion) this world doesn’t matter really, except where religion counts.

    Gaaaaaaah. The whole world filled with people with perfectly good noses, and yet they breathe through their mouths.

  • Oh I get that, and that’s why I said irrefutable evidence. I referred a little bit to a man who actually did kill his dates and flush them down the toilet. Look up Dennis Nilsen. That’s the kind of case I’m talking about.

    It’s hard to pin that kind of shit on anyone.

    I’ll research the guy you’re talking about, but I’m willing to bet he wasn’t accused of being a serial killer.

    That’s the type of person I’m ok executing. Serial killers. People who wander around without empathy slaughtering people for no reason other than the thrill of slaughtering people.

  • They clearly explained that their reason for opposing the death penalty in the first place is the chance of error.

    I oppose the death penalty for the same reason. I have no problem executing serial killers for example. I do have a problem with accidentally executing innocent people.

    I’d be willing to say that I’m for the death penalty in the case of a serial killer as long as circumstantial evidence isn’t the determining factor. I’d like to see irrefutable evidence before they are sentenced.

    In freak cases that require absurd circumstances, I would never support the death penalty. Someone shoots the man he catches his wife with? Yeah, no. Jail is good enough. That dude isn’t just an outright danger to society. He’s just a dude who lost his shit in a moment and would have carried on living his normal life under different circumstances.

    Dude spends 10 years stalking and murdering his dates and flushing them down the toilet in pieces? Yeah, the world is better off putting him on down to sleep forever.