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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Only it isn’t anywhere near as simple as the scenario you’ve put across. But sure I guess if you want to just say ‘calling them out is the most correct thing’. I can agree with that.

    The problem comes in when the child molesterer is your bosses best bud and there are no other jobs around. Your boss doesn’t want grief with his friend (this is wrong but out of your control) and you need to feed your own family.

    Calling this guy out then risks your family starving to death.

    If you can however say that this guy’s shoes are going to rip up your carpet so you don’t want him over then hey presto! Everyone knows the real reason you didn’t invite him and you get to feed your family.

    It’s great to compare things to another situation to try and find the 'ideal", but in a world where there are many different parties at play it’s difficult to find a scenario which actually compares.

  • Hmm, so are you saying that sporting events should hold a trial to find Israel guilty of war crimes? Because unless I’ve missed something this is what they’d have to do to formally make this claim.

    I don’t think a sport organisation can start making war crime claims, and rightfully so.

    Personally I think they’ve done the best they can. We’re all very confident Israel are committing war crimes. We’re all very confident this is the real reason they’ve been banned. It’s good that sport organisations have an avenue to exclude these countries without causing major diplomatic issues.