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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Situational sexuality.

    I remember a recent convo (last ten years) regarding an elderly British couple talking about the rise of LGBT+ issues in politics,

    HUSBAND: It’s actually refreshing to see the young people openly talking about it. WIFE: I don’t think we’ve ever known anyone like that. Do we? HUSBAND: Dear, I was in the navy for ten years.

    If you think about it, it’s very much a thing in parochial schools as well.

  • My understanding is Hamas was supplied by Iran to start some trouble in Gaza to provoke Israel into a brutal retaliation, since Netanyahu was already known to be itching for an excuse to go all genocide (as confirmed by the IDF using cluster bombs in excess and blockbusters in civilian-occupied urban areas).

    Hamas, emboldened with its new materiel, went hard and Netanyahu was gleeful for the opportunity to massacre more Palestinians, even resort to contrived famine to do it.

    All while smart phones on the ground recorded the carnage up close and personal, which leaked to the internet for all to see.

    So Hamas is not a military giant, but they played their part with aplomb

  • When I was a toddler, my dad was one of the mission control guys for the Apollo missions, and my room was decorated with NASA launch vehicle charts dad got from his work.

    And I loved it. I thought rockets and space were the bee’s knees.

    So I don’t personally see any issue with setting your kid up with jetfighter kitch if that’s what makes them happy.